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Am I psychic? It is a pity that there are not more people who ask this question. Sadly we get a lot of people come to us asking us for a job working for our site and insisting that they know for a fact they are. Yet when we ask for proof they try to avoid being tested and insist that we can take their word for it. Very often they insist they have hundreds of satisfied clients, yet if this were true they would have their own thriving business and not be wanting to work for us at all. Maybe they have a few people who are endorsing them but it can be easy to fool a few people. It is far harder to fool an expert or everyone.
We often come across cases where someone has been fooled simply because the reader told them stuff they wanted to hear. A typical example is when
a lady went to see a fortune teller and the (so called) fortune teller promised her that her married lover would leave his wife to be with her. She painted a fantastic picture of love, lasting happiness, passion and fun and told this lady that her married man and her would soon be living in a lovely huge expensive house by the sea. The lady in question was walking on air for a long time, telling everyone who would listen of the fantastic future that had been promised to her and how she was looking forward to it. But - of course - it never happened.
She came to us and discussed it with us. It turned out that (a) this married man had only known her for about a week (b) the married man had not shown any interest in her at all emotionally or romantically and had made it clear he loved his wife very much and was scared of losing her to another man (c) the lady in question had mental health problems and was continually stalking and throwing herself at every man she met.
Now when you put that into the cooking pot you can see how ridiculous it was to promise her that her lover (he was not her lover at all) would leave his wife to be with her. It was also not particularly kind to say this and get her to rely on this as being her future. She came down to earth with a very nasty bump when she found out it was not true.
So how do you know if you are able to do this or not? You get an expert to test you. You do not do test readings for friends because it would be so easy for them to say yes you are good just because you want to hear it, and anyway they are not expert enough to tell the difference and can easily be fooled. If you truly care about the welfare of the clients you are intending to "help" then you would, for their sake, get tested rather than just go ahead without making sure you are authentic and it is not just wishful thinking and ego on your part. It may be that you are perceptive but you need to work on it and develop it further, the expert can tell you if this is the case.
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