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As a researcher of life I have deeply explored the Abundance portal, especially the space that we operate from. While we have all the tools to have a positive mindset, and some spiritual tools like Divine Magic Statements such as:
“Spirit is infinitely abundant and my wealth grows every day” I feel at some level, we all still experience a vibration of scarcity. “What if my money runs out?”
“If I share my knowledge, what will I get?”
This keeps us stuck in the vibration of scarcity. No matter what your mind thinks, emotions feel or spirit knows about abundance, if your vibration is stuck in scarcity then no amount of shift can bring you into abundance.
Somewhere deep down there is a fear of “not enough”… not enough intelligence, not enough good looks, not enough creativity, not enough health. This deep core program dictates our life.
Where is the point of creation of scarcity? I traced it energetically and landed on a feeling and that feeling was GREED. That is the core of the ME world which is an experience of the vibration called ENVY.
Envy is a natural human emotion. What does envy vibrate upon? It vibrates on a healthy comparison of hierarchy.
The biggest illusion right now is EQUALITY. We start with the premises that we are equal – that is the illusion that has created greed which has turned into the vibration of scarcity which doesn’t allow us to truly experience abundance. Greed is envy gone wrong. Envy is a natural emotion which helps us think of solutions to get the same things. But if we reject the vibration of envy, if we reject the awareness that spirit is giving and refuse to accept, then it turns into greed. Greed is the core feeling behind scarcity.
Today we are going to address greed and embrace envy. As long as you have envy, you are in a safe environment of healthy competition of the mind, of the body, of the emotions, of the spirit to see who can out do themselves in evolution. That’s envy.
When we reject the source vibration of grace (a facet of acceptance) and refuse to accept differences, then we experience greed. As soon as we experience greed we are plugged into scarcity and no amount of processes and tools will help change our core frequency unless we dissolve the vibration of greed.
Vibration of Inspiration is required to unplug us from the vibration of greed. When you see someone doing better than you, spirit inspires your spirit to do something better.
How do you get inspired?
Master time, master abundasidrance
Join Sidra Jafri on Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th November 2016, 10 am – 6 pm to discover a weekend course that activates your time-bending abilities.
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