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Blue Amber
Blue Amber
The energy of Blue Amber is entirely different from the Mexican or Baltic amber. It is suggested that Blue Amber is the most powerful of all the Amber, this is because of its colour range; it works on the all of the energetic bodies, emotional, mental and physical. It has a strong emphasis on the head and crown chakra. It works in the finer bodies and is a wonderful, natural healer. It calms and soothes while it heals.
Blue Amber has a gentle energy that is easy enough for children and yet powerful enough for adults. Blue Amber is an exceptional crystal for clairvoyants and anyone with psychic abilities.

Blue Amber
It has an extremely protective energy and makes an excellent defensive stone.
This Blue Amber is from the Dominican Republic and is completely natural, you may find other examples on the web which have a blue backing on them to give them a similar appearance.
The blue is best seen under natural sunlight while holding the piece at an angle so that the piece reflects the sunlight.
The colour is not solid, and most pieces will seem to be a gold colour, however when the light catches just right and highlights of blue appear.
Blue amber will fluoresce under a black light, it glows a blue, white colour.
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