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Final ceremony at Constantine gravesite
Travel along Spine of Europe: Clearing European Continental Chakras of Constantine's and Other Warrior Energies
Constantinople: Final Clearing Ceremony, End of Pilgrimage
From an Epic Shamanic Pilgrimage for Love and Peace
Clearing Continental Root Chakra, 4th Ray Soul Warrior Energies at Constantine's Gravesite
CONSTANTINOPLE (Istanbul), Turkey, Oct 10 - Our flight from Athens to Istanbul was uneventful. We arrived at the city Constantine built as the new capital of the Roman empire c. 325AD after 9PM. By the time we made it to our hotel in Old Istanbul, it was already after 10. The hotel was very nice. Take a look...
Elizabeth waited in a spacious lounge while I checked us in. After that, we did not waste any time crashing into bed.
In the morning, we headed out on foot in search of Fatih

At Roman Aquaduct
Mosque, the highest point in Istanbul where Constantine was buried in 338AD. We had to stop and ask for directions many times in narrow and confusing streets of Old Istanbul, but eventually we did find it.
When I started my final ceremony of the European pilgrimage, clearing the continental Root Chakra and the warrior energies from 4th ray souls, threatening clouds gathered in stormy sky, whipping up strong winds on the ground. Which is what you are unfortunately also have to put up with in this video. But the rain actually held off until the very end of the ceremony. When it started raining, I took it as a blessing. It was a large blessing. :) It never stopped raining for over 24 hours.
And now, with that as a preamble, check out this film about our final ceremony...
Constantinople Ceremony: Clearing Root Chakra, 4th Ray Souls (Oct 10)
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