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When is the last time you seriously looked at the people who are suffering? They could be your neighbors, family members, acquaintances or strangers...but they are hurting.
My 10 year old granddaughter is fighting a very rare disease. I will include more info regarding this at the bottom of this post. She is not alone, there are so many people facing their own personal storms. You yourself have varying degrees of stressful situations you face daily. Where is your safe harbor of peace? How can you wade through the agony of daily chaos? It starts within.
I have had many trials in my life and there have been plenty of moments when I wanted to throw in the can be so un-bearing. It was when I began to meditate daily that I was able to see the glints of sun shining through the clouds. It was when I understood that meditation should be approached as a personal commitment to MYSELF. This is not a race - there are no blue ribbons. This is a way to help connect to a deep wisdom that lies within everyone - yes EVERYONE.
One of the most amazing discoveries was my yearning desire to help others. I thought I had embarked on this personal exploration to understand myself better. But, as you begin to truly love yourself there is a natural desire to share this. Meditation opens the quiet chambers of your mind to reveal the needs of others. Why? How? How can setting aside 15 silent minutes daily make you want to help others? You are clearing away the noise and debris of your busy world in order to hear others crying out. Those voices are connected to you and they are a part of you. By quieting your mind and heart you will learn to listen to your inner voice that has always guided you. The next step may be more difficult at first...learn to MOVE your thoughts into action and DO something about what you have heard. You will find that once you begin down this path more twists and turns will appear. Each path brings greater understanding and tremendous joy.
Begin today and look toward the sun shining through the clouds - follow that light and begin helping others to find their own harbors of inner peace.
The disease mentioned above is Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiactric Syndrome (PANS). Triggered by “strep”, her immune system mistakenly attacks part of her brain confusing it with the strep antigen, thus creating a neurological inflammation causing her to have debilitating “episodes”. Her condition has deteriorated to the point that she is unable to attend school on a regular basis. She is currently writing a book to bring awareness to this disease and yes, she does meditate:)
Would you like to know how to meditate without any CDs, classes or books?
Please contact me if you would like to learn more about PANS.
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