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As I sit near the Ocean and watch its waves crash to the shore, I notice the tide drifting back into which it came in synchronized perpetual motion. This tremendous body of water keeps expressing its magnitude as if to announce its own existence. Each wave has its own form and seemingly provides an individual identity from the previous wave, but they all return from which they came. It is one body of water that is divided to create the motion that expresses its oneness. This is how I see our physical reality reminding us of the oneness of the universe. This is the purpose of duality, to divide from the one for its manifestation, and creating the motion for the perpetual balance.
Whether you are right handed or left handed, most people will agree that everyone has a preference, of which they choose to use when writing a letter. This is similar to how I understand one being homosexual or heterosexual, there appears to be a dominant natural preference involved. Although the majority of people are right hand dominated, it is universally acceptable to be left handed; whereas the majorities, who are heterosexual, don’t as easily accept someone who is homosexual. This raging controversy has propelled many scientific studies in genetics to search for a relevant answer, and has fueled many religious factions to take up some firm moral stands, with an appalling effect. Overall popular acceptance has changed dramatically in recent history but the fact remains, neither Science nor Religion can give us a definite explanation for the reality of homosexuality.
The theory I am about to present, can help make it understandable to the probable cause of how homosexual preference of an individual can be connected to their natural state of being. I will not entertain such definitions as the term “Turning Gay”, for I believe it is an inborn attraction to the same sex, and not one that was developed by some physical or mental malfunction. There are Spiritual laws that govern our world through cause and effect, and what I am about to explain has little to do with the scientific study or religious values. This goes much deeper and to the heart of our physical world, and does require some spiritual insight. First of all, I am a heterosexual Male who is attracted only to the opposite sex (females). This should alleviate anyone’s concern that my understanding may show favoritism or have any justifiable purpose for my conclusion. My understanding comes from the basic principles that we are all one in God’s eye.
We must incorporate some belief, that there is a reason for everything we see in nature to truly make sense of things. To really grasp what I am saying, there must be some concept of a higher self or true being. To really understand the spiritual concept of cause and effect or the law of attraction, there is one piece to the puzzle that can explain where we have come from, pertaining to who we are (the cause), and why we are here (the effect) that is vital. This is the spiritual understanding of the “Duality in nature”. Many may not be able to understand anything beyond their physical appearance, but the self-seeker and spiritually minded individual should not find it hard to comprehend. As we explore who we really are as individuals, we gain wisdom by learning to accept others.
This duality in nature can be defined as what perpetuates our physiological reality. This duality is the process by which nature evolves and creation exists in our world. It is with purpose, and its function is the division and multiplying from the one omnipotent source, or God. Duality is a continual process of equalizing or balancing nature’s own well-being. Everything that we know of in this three dimensional world has been divided from one source, the cause of everything. There is an opposite of everything in our physical world. It is the opposites that link dualities necessity of balance; as we view the relationship between man-woman, light-dark, hot-cold, and positive-negative. It is the opposites that create the cycle of continual reunification from which it came from. What can better interpret dualities magical sequent of events, then the rain that fills the lakes that becomes a body of water, which then is evaporated by the Sun to replenish the clouds, so it may return once again? Without duality nothing would exist of this reality we live in. Because of this perpetual cycle, nothing comes to complete rest, so it remains in infinite motion, continually dividing, constantly expanding and creating. Everything is elegantly made in retrospect for the sequence of continual rebirth, as you see in the nature of our four seasons, and in the way the Earth rotates from day to night.
To understand nature’s connection to us, it helps to understand the division, and why there is such division. For example; electricity would not exist if there were no positive and negative fields. One cannot be the other, and yet they are both important to create the power needed. Man is physically opposite from a woman, but the two combined represent the human character. I believe man and woman is the deviation from the one total being. This is often described as the Yin and Yang, masculine/ feminine. Understanding this will also explain why some people are born to be homosexual. There is nothing wrong per say with these individuals; it is just a different division of the dual nature from which we all came from. The hardest part for anyone to grasp with a three dimensional viewpoint, is that the opposites are really a division from the one source. Nature is a continual cycle in motion that is constantly seeking to return to the source from which it came. This is the same for the desire for every man or woman seeking God; they are seeking the divinity they feel is in their heart. Duality in nature is how our physical reality is portrayed to us. Water cannot be vapor, and vapor cannot be water, but the duality in nature is the cause of division from any one element, and it insures a continual cycle for enhancement of life.
To explain this even further in relevance to ourselves, we must first consider ourselves to be something much more than just another product of nature, but entities that can develop a greater potential that can expand our universe. We must believe that in the raw form of our higher consciousness, duality will no longer exist, and there will be no separation. We will inhabit total awareness, and our instinctual physical senses will no longer be needed. The animal desire to administer sexual pleasure will be extinguished along with the purpose for our physical reality. We will then recognize our masculine and feminine qualities as one entity. We will realize our physical bodies were only a manifestation produced from the duality that exists on the physical plane, and then know that it was the duality in nature that created our physical presence, and the gender we were to be. If we have come here in a predetermined form, could it just be possible that homosexuals are another form of duality’s division, that will allow us to better understand our commonality from which our true being resides? This being said; the procreative aspects in duality are ignored in the sense to portray a spiritual understanding of a divine interpretation.
To reference what has been spoken of in spiritual terms as the Light. The Light can be considered the source, or God. Everything has been manifested from the one light of God. To be enlightened is the knowing of this Light. This light is the Bliss; it is where we find Rest. God has manifested his expression by dividing this light. In essence, everything is connected to the one light from which it has been divided from. Everyone and everything is seeking to return to the source from which it was created. It is by witnessing the synchronization behavior found in nature one can understand this evolution taking place. It will help in bringing the understanding that we are all One.
As we grasp and understand the importance of duality in our world, we begin to realize the divine intervention in place. It points to the precision of all we witness in nature, and gives so much more purpose to the world. It shouts the meaningful cause that has produced such wondrous effects. It proves that God provided everything that was needed to sustain life. Developing this insight of duality in nature, may bring strength to our spiritual perception and reason for our faith. It can bridge our divided misconceptions and align our common direction. There is a definite connection with everything and everyone, and is evident within the duality of nature. Duality has provided the continuation of the well-being for all in nature, and proves there is a law that cannot be denied. Everything is reborn, everything is replenished, and everything is bound by this law.
The evidence is in the soul and the heart of man. No one can gift us any understanding of what we come to know and believe within ourselves. There should be no outside influence or persuasion that detours the performance of our individual thought. When we understand that it is our individual right to adhere to such principles, then we will gain the knowledge and wisdom that we truly deserve. Individuality has much more importance than a mere independent choice or preference; it is the expression that enables humanities growth and expansion. There are limitless boundaries society will be able to overcome, by a collective agreement sprouted from one individual idea.
I believe this theory can enable humanities answers to some of the most complex questions that have ever been conceived. It may even eliminate our physical limitations and open the door for a unified consciousness that can accept our higher awareness of certainty. Much of this article has been taken from a chapter in my ebook, “Thinking is Spiritual (We are All Spiritual)”. I want everyone to understand their own self-worth. I hope to help spread the word of this wondrous time of Awakening we are experiencing today. We are at the dawn of a new age, and a unified higher state of consciousness. We are all connected, and it is all Good!
Written by Rolley Hurley ©2012
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