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The soul of John the Baptist was apparently not reincarnated at the time of the readings of the legendary American mystic, Edgar Cayce. I will explain the 'apparently' reference as we proceed with our story, but first we shall look at the information in the Scriptures and the Edgar Cayce readings linking the soul of John the Baptist to the renowned prophet Elijah/Elias. Elijah's story is recounted in I Kings, Chapters 17 to 21, and II Kings, Chapters 1 and 2. I am not going to retell his story here, except for his demise. Somewhat similar to Enoch in Genesis 5:24, and Jesus the Christ at the Ascension after the Resurrection, in Mark 16:19, Luke 24:50-51, and Acts 1:9-11, Elijah did not die but was taken up in a whirlwind into Heaven, as revealed in II Kings 2:1-11.
We now turn our attention to the Edgar Cayce readings. "25. ... These had been part of the records [DS: compiled by the Essenes] from those in Carmel, in the early experiences, as of those given by Elijah, - who was the forerunner, who was the cousin [DS: of Jesus], who was the Baptist." [DS: Reading 1010-17.] "9. Did not John come as the voice of one crying in the wilderness and in the spirit of Elijah? Yet he WAS Elijah." [1158-6] The Gospels of Matthew 17:10-13, and of Mark 9:11-13, also imply or state that John the Baptist was the reincarnation of Elias/Elijah the prophet.
I mentioned earlier that John was apparently not reincarnated at the time of the Edgar Cayce readings. I made that statement because a reading on October 18, 1935, identified the spirit of John the Baptist as the mentor to the reading recipient. "17. The entity from those experiences in the periods of waiting, as many, doubted; yet in the presence of Him - as He increased, and as many of the disciples of John became doubtful when Herod putting forth his hand slew him ... there came the days when Edithia [DS: Her name in her Palestine incarnation.] was with those great crowds that cried, "Hosanna! Ye come in the name of the Lord!" 27. (Q) What relation did the experience had by Edgar Cayce, of seeing a mentor at the period of my last reading, have with my development. Give name if possible. (A) Here we have a most holy experience. ... This AGAIN is indeed him that PROCLAIMED that the day of the Lord IS at hand - John. It is indicated in the very manner of his garb; as of one clothed and his raiment shall be white as snow, and they whose sins have been as crimson shall be washed and as wool. His feet are not of clay; his feet are not as brass, but as of gold - that bespeaks of the endearing messages that may be brought to thee and thine, that thou may indeed NOW, FULFIL that for which THEN thou didst dedicate thy life; ... 28. (Q) What relation of John to the White Brotherhood? (A) As then [DS: as John], the leader; now [DS: in spirit] among the head of the Brotherhood." [587-6]
If you are interested in further details on The Brotherhood or The White Brotherhood, you can find lots of information in an Internet search. In a nut-shell, the Brotherhood is a group of highly developed souls, whether incarnated or in spirit, that are apparently the most-gifted Teaching Masters of God's Laws. John and Jesus both received training from and were tested by these Teaching Masters in Egypt. "In this same pyramid [DS: the Great Pyramid in Egypt] did the Great Initiate, the Master, take those last of the Brotherhood degrees with John, the forerunner of Him, at that place." [5748-5] "5. (Q) To what extent are the Masters of the Great White Brotherhood directing the activities of Edgar Cayce? Who are the Masters directly in charge? (A) MESSENGERS from the higher forces that may manifest from the Throne of grace itself. 6. (Q) Who are the Masters directly in charge? ... (A) (Interrupting) Those that are directed by the Lord of lords, the King of kings, Him that came that ye might be one with the Father." [254-83]
Mrs. 578 was indeed most-blessed to have the spirit and soul of John the Baptist and the prophet Elijah as her mentor.
© Doug Simpson 2010.
Edgar Cayce Readings © 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation. Used by Permission, All Rights Reserved.
Doug Simpson is a retired high school teacher from Canada. Retirement has blessed him with the opportunity to pursue a second career as a writer and author. His article titled Jesus' Secret Healing appeared in the April-June 2010 edition of Venture Inward Magazine. He may be contacted at His website is at
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