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Happiness Is Not A Result of Our Environment
Our Environment Is A Result of Our Happiness
We have the power and the right to be Happy in each moment of time no matter what challenges we are going through. We can be Happy and successful, regardless of problems and setbacks.
Our Happiness Is As A Matter of Choice Not Chance
Happiness Is As A Matter Of Consciousness Not Circumstances
Life is simple. To be Happy and Successful, all we have to do is Harmonize ourselves with this simplicity.
To experience Happiness daily, we need to merely shift our consciousness and accept the Truth.
We usually believe we will be Happy if we acquire more income, better relationships, better health, more fulfilling jobs, etc. But the Truth of the matter is we must first choose Happiness as a context from which we will accomplish all of our life objectives.
When we operate from a consciousness of Happiness and Joy, our incomes will increase, our relationships will improve. We will be healthier, and we will know greater fulfillment and success in our jobs. An abundant Life is the natural effect of the cause of Happiness.
Happiness is a state of mind, an attitude and consciousness, not something we pursue. We bring Happiness into the experiences of our Lives. We do not expect the experiences of our Lives to bring us Happiness.
Once Happiness is our constant state of consciousness, it will perpetually lead us on to Victorious Accomplishments in every facet of our lives.
Michael J Robey
Six Senses
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