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Who does the healing?
It may be overwhelmingly presumed, the Healer single-handedly does the deed.
Not true.
The relationship is triangular.
The healer, healee and the healing energies at play.
The healer has to arrive of course. Healer is properly trained and skilled.
A good healer will create the necessary energetic and physical envoirment for a safe healing.
But then the healee must be ready.... and allow the healing....concisously AND subconciously.
Sometimes the healee may consciously want to be healed but....something in the subconscious may not be ready.
That may end up to be a lifetime's journey of discovery.
Sometimes the healee has manifested illness to learn the lessons that come with it ....and maybe have the experiences they will have with people they will meet in the journey to cure.
The healer cannot take that away from the healer.
Then maybe in a long path, sometimes spanning many life times, the healee heals a bit more each time, as he or she heads towards recovery and health.
The healee is a participant in the healing process.
Not a bystander.
It starts by showing up.
Then becoming aware of why they may have manifested an illness.
The healing energy may come from the healer or from other sources. For example Christ Force energy or some channeled energies.
Healing when it happens, is combination of many things.
Speaking of being healed, there are many healing modalities done in person and long-distance. There are many kinds of hearings - aura/chakra healing, spiritual healing, hands-on-healing and faith healing to name a few.
Some heal specific ailment, minor and major.
Then there is Aura and Chakra hearings for regular spiritual oil change for one’s Energeric system.
Aura and Chakra healing dust off one’s energetic space of stuff that one picks up as we go through our day.
Since our energetic system are connected to our body, things like prolonged stress can cause physical ailments.
Usually Aura chakra healings are done on a periodic basis.
Weekly, monthly or sometimes more. It’s personal.
It depends on how one feels or what they are going through in life in that moment in time.
All healings, one might notice, are spiritual in nature.
When the spiritual aspect is healed, it's connection to the physical heals the body.
Mikki has been teaching, doing healings and psychic reading since 2007.
For limited time Mikki is offering FREE 15min Spiritual Healings every Thursday. To schedule email and visit
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