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Excerpts of an interview with Dr Andrei Moreira
Love is the great medicine; and it is the great purpose of our existence. In fact, we walk towards God like the “prodigal son” of Jesus parable, reconnecting our relationship with the Father and returning to God’s home, which is inside our own heart, where God is. Gradually, we are doing this, discovering our virtues, the intimate greatness that exists within us, everything that God gave to us as possibilities of our evolution and that can lead to our fulfilment. In this context, love represents a medicinal movement as a movement of respect, consideration, valuing, and inclusiveness. Love treats the diseases of the soul, which are pride, selfishness, vanity, arrogance, tyranny, and put us in tune with the source, which is God, helping us to reconnect with the Father. Developing love is the fastest, easiest, and most efficient way to cure the body and the soul.
Health is the reflection of the balance of the body in relation to the divine laws. In the spiritist view, human beings are immortal beings, they pre-exist the physical life, which survive the biological phenomenon of death, and throughout the evolutionary process, through reincarnation, they grow and develop towards God. Illness is a message generated in the deepest spiritual reality of the being which reflects in the physical body as an invitation to a reconnection with love, to the development of self-love and love towards the other. Therefore all cure is also a phenomenon of self-healing because for that to install in definitive, it is necessary not only an alleviation of the symptoms but also a moral reformulation of the thoughts, feelings and actions, so that the whole being be transformed in depth, in harmony with the divine law, that is, more in tune with the law of love.
The British Union of Spiritist Societies (BUSS) working with the Spiritist Group of Glasgow, and the Spiritists Friends of Edinburgh and Dundee
sponsors Dr Andrei Moreira talk on ‘Healing and Self-Healing: A Spiritist Medical Perspective’ on 25th April 2012, in Glasgow.
Dr. Andrei Moreira is Professor of Primary Health Care at the Alfenas University, in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. He is also a General Practitioner specialised in Homeopathy and President of the Medical-Spiritist Association of Minas Gerais, Brazil. He is author of the books: ‘Healing and Self-healing: A medical spiritist perspective’ and ‘Homossexuality from the perspective of the immortal spirit’ (these books have not yet been translated to English).
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