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Law of Attraction
Law of Attraction
We have the power within us to draw positive or negative influences into our lives. The law of attraction works on many levels including the physical, mental and the soul level. Like the law of cause and effect or karma this law is perfect in its operation and will draw to us if we're not careful, unwanted influences into our lives.
Physical Level
Firstly I will try to describe my interpretation on how this works from a physical level. The term "like attracts like" accurately describes this process in a nut shell, people of like minds are drawn to each other and seem to seek each other out. You have heard of the term "birds of a feather flock together," there is so much truth in this. It's important to note that the thoughts we send out will draw people of a like mind to us. If we want people to love us and enjoy our company then we must first be loving to others without any conditions attached and most importantly we must give without expecting something in return. Also, if you don't like being judged by people then quit judging others. If you want to have good friends then you must first be a good friend to somebody else. It's extremely hard in human form not to judge other people and not to think negative thoughts, they seem to pop into our minds before you can even to stop them, especially when a stranger is aggravating us, but we must stop them in there tracks and try to understand where that person is coming from or where they are compared to us on their soul journey.
Most people we interact with on Earth are on a different spiritual level or lower/higher evolution to us with Earth being an emotional school of learning.
It's like being in a school class room but with the youngest to the most matured students all being in the same class room together. We must try and have patience and understanding for them as we were once there too and to judge others is really to judge yourself, we can't hurt or judge anybody else without really hurting or judging ourselves in the process.
Mental Level
At the mental and spiritual level we also draw spirit entities that are similar in mind to us, people who think negative dark and violent thoughts will draw darker entities to them who can influence the person in the physical world and cloud their judgment. On the positive side of "Like attracts Like" we will also draw highly evolved spirit guides and entities who will want to work with us to help move mankind forward. These higher minded and more knowledgeable beings will be drawn to us. The law is perfect, there are no grey areas, we will draw to us that which we deserve at our current level of spiritual evolution. GOOD LUCK!
Soul Level
The law of attraction also works at the soul level. When we go home to the other side we will be naturally drawn like a magnet to the plane/sphere that perfectly fits the purity of our thoughts, we will be unable to go to the higher spheres until we have evolved sufficiently to do so, but progress is open to all on the other side, with Halls of Learning, Halls of Music and the arts, and any other activity the soul wants to get involved in, but the most important activity for the soul if it want's to progress is giving service to others whether it be here or there.
As souls we also have access to all the other spheres below us, many souls travel to these lower spheres to lovingly guide and help others progress ever upward, especially those who are lost in the prison of their own dark thoughts, their guides are lovingly watching and gently nudging them until they finally forgive themselves and accept the help that is always present, but they must first ask for it and forgive themselves, our guides have infinite patience. The spirit world is not so much a geographical location but a state of mind where we are constantly shaping our future heaven or home NOW!, isn't that lovely, as long as you live your life with the right intentions we have nothing to fear.
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