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The Spirit Messenger - Peggy Weber:
Having seen spirit with my own eyes all my life, my first recollection occurred whilst I was out walking with my Mother. There were images of people on top of the water tower seemingly glowing and wearing amazingly rich colours. When we went inside the Church the exact same figures were those used in the Nativity.
I then remember being at a funeral and couldn’t understand why people were crying , so I asked my Mother, who said you see that box over there, they are saying goodbye to the person that has died and I said they have not, they are over there with those people!
During my childhood I had a hiding place down by the river, where the bank was all overgrown. The other kids would go off home and I would stay there and watch the magical lights I could see with my own eyes, which later then would come to be known as ‘orbs’ which we know of today!
More recently I saw my own husband Tony who sadly passed away in 2002. I was cleaning out the sink when all this mist appeared in the bedroom and the image of Tony, who was holding our baby Grandson, also in spirit. He put Calum down and then lifted his arms up to me as if to give me a hug.
It is very usual for me to hear noises in the house, such as tapping and I know it is spirits way of letting me be aware of their presence.
Sometimes, I will grab the camera and take a photo of the area where the noise is coming from and there they appear, orbs on the photos of our loved ones etc. I must emphasise that spirit will only appear if they want to...not something that can happen on demand. On one occasion I hadn’t locked the side gate to the house and the tapping got louder and louder as I lay in bed. I went to check on what it was and when I took the photo, there it was, orbs to warn me the gate had not been locked, and something my husband would have checked!
There was an instance of a not very noticeable photo I had taken and dismissed. Weeks later I went for a reading and was told my Great, Great Grandmother had appeared to me in a recent photograph – her name was you can imagine my shock when I looked through and found this incredible image of her, which I alm
ost deleted! (ATTACHED)
To me, religion comes from one’s heart and should never be indoctrinated as in some organised religions. I have a young brother who comes through in some readings who would have been older than me but lost to spirit. As he was not baptised he was not allowed to be buried inside the cemetery but buried outside the cemetery wall being raised as Catholics. It actually came through in a reading from my Father that my younger brother had placed a slab as a marking place near to where he had been buried and that I should look for three of the tallest trees to find it. Obviously after visiting the spot all those years on, it was all overgrown, but after a lot of digging, there it was the slab, mentioned in the reading!
I presented my work at the Orbs and Prophets Spiritual Conference in Palm Springs, USA and Glastonbury and felt honoured as only six people were chosen to present their photography on the Talking Stick stage throughout the world! Shortly afterwards, there was a lot of interest in my work and I got speaking to a Pilot, who said he regularly saw round circles of light whilst flying and reported these back as part of his duty, but between him and his co pilot never got feedback. He then asked if I would take a quick photo and I orb containing the image of a lady sitting in a rocking chair and wearing a bonnet with a large bow on the left hand side. When I described this, he looked stunned and said it would have been his Nan who used to sit on the veranda!
There are so many instances I recall as proof that our loved ones do go on in spirit but they never leave our sides and are always around us.
I make a heart sign with my hands to send to spirit each night and one day I was delighted to get the heart shape sent back to me within an orb, confirming to me to that spirit send their love right back.
I firmly believe that spirit picks workers from all different fields of spirituality and mediumship to help bring comfort here on the earth plain to those that need it most in these difficult and troubled times. There should be no hierarchy or pedestals. It is up to all of us to come together and do the job given to us in a nice honourable way.
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