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Quantum Physics and past life ground hog day scenario - Remodel your future with Quantum Field amendments
Lineages and cultures have passed down through the ages – some good….
Some not so good. Created by others in action in us TODAY….
Emotions shape us psychologically; creates our living world. Emotions will narrow or expand our vision and perception of life, it will limit or cap accordingly. Limits, caps our abundance; impacts our health and forms our mind sets.
Our objectives, likes and dislikes are shaped via family lineage and culture. Taking on their beliefs and conditioning giving us interpretations of life from the womb forming memories and impacts for us to live while in Utero.
Through trials with mice pups, scientists in 2012 proved that memories are passed down from parents. Memories are not selective, good and not so good will be passed down from parent to child. (With aged limitations and lack of understanding of why we live that way – all long forgotten with time). Passed down via chemical bombardment while in utero, emotional impacts forming our likes, dislikes, fears, anxiety and coping strategies etc.,
Through parents, family lineage and culture, we live outdated beliefs, such as status, gender expectations, poverty and lower consciousness, living limiting decisions although didn’t take part in the decision-making. Ultimately live the outcomes of action and reaction (from lineage and culture) – we continue the status quo and pass on to others, our children and grandchildren, even though not appropriate. We live the ‘Sins of the Fathers and Mothers’. Created by others in action in us TODAY….
I have found evidence that substantiates the above living and continually in therapy session. I have known for some time the impacts from absorption and the womb even writing a book about it in 2010. I find inheritance influences in the majority of clients in session, when teaching and training, essentially the barriers to full living individual are enormous.
What is not understood is that we carry it forward via us to the next generation, keeping us entrapped in outdated consciousness, that quiet frankly does not serve any of us. Living emotions, trauma and stress that are not ours but inherited. In session finds, nine times out of ten 80-90% not theirs. Although constantly involved in depression, mental health disorders are rife with this type of absorption. We absorb enormous amounts in utero (unfortunately slow to be acknowledged in science or medics). We need to acknowledge the hidden factors that are part of our psychological, emotional and health disorders. As they are part of the problem and solution.
Joy Wisdom has devised ways of eradicating these restrictions and ramifications in clients taught in her training Dissovle and Resolve Emotions practitioners programmes. Working with eradicating the patterns, imprints and triggers that keep us in status quo. To relive again next month or next year. As memories are stored all over our body and ahead of us in our Quantum Field. Which is why dealing with just mind or emotions is not the answer. Cognitive therapy and Meditation will not do it. Tapping will not do it. We have to remove from further afield if we want eradication and liberatio
n from inheritence.
Find out how much you are living that is not yours to live.
What actions and reactions are not yours?
Want to find out how to change actions and reactions?
Find out what is held in your Quantum field that is creating continual Ground-Hog Day and status quo!
Want to find more answers? Joy’s ‘ZEST of Life’® programme will assist. Starting with self-development ‘SECRETS of Life’ will give you answers and more to the point help you remove the defaults inherited through absorption and historical generational set ups.
Receive and Give through Practitioners Accelerator training – Intuitive-Body-Mind-Emotions eradicator Dissolve and Resolve Emotions® (D.A.R.E™) (CPD approved)
5 Reasons :
1. Remove old out of date defaults inherited
2. Remove emotional and mind patterns creating Ground-hog day scenarios
3. Improve health
4. Get your life back - How to live your life’s agenda without interference
5. Re model your future via Quantum Field amendments
6. Birth psychology
7. Clinical approaches to past, present and future living
Isbourne Centre, Cheltenham: SECRETS of Life - 17-22nd September
REAL life changing education, learning and opportunity to jettison old, outdated ways of life. Learn how to re-live, how to open up to receive. LIVE without being entrapped in limited emotions - i.e.: fear. Don’t be a SLAVE to your past.
Want to make a difference to others – Be pioneers in Therapy, Birth psychology and Quantum Field amendments join us for Practitioners accelerator training - Dissolve & Resolve Emotions (D.A.R.E) New accelerator for clinical bodywork, psychological and emotional therapy answers - Practitioners intuitive training Induction - 13-18th November Isbourne Centre. CPD approved
Foundation D.A.R.E training follows Isbourne Centre November.
25-day training programme to become a D.A.R.E. base line foundation practitioner. CPD approved. Case studies apply. Earning a living within 3 months of training. A clinical professional programme, insurable therapy with highly trained specialist areas of choice.
Meet and Greet Joy at Isborne Open day 3-4th September with Free Talks both days.
Testimonial ‘SECRETS of Life’
Amazing course, very personal to the individual, giving enlightenment and knowledge into ones life patterns, why things are the way they are and giving the tools and understanding to move forward in one’s life, with grace, ease, peace and LOVE. The clearings that are achieved in group environment are phenominal, releasing the individual from patterns and allowing to move forward with less emotional baggage, behaviours and entrapments. I feel very inspired to use the tools that Joy has given us to enhance my life with compassion, understanding and embracing LOVE.
Read more Book & E version: ‘Shell of Soul’ Joy Wisdom
Joy Wisdom - Awarded Inspirational Woman 2015
Founder - Allonus Zest of Life programme
Author, Teacher/ Trainer, Personal development and Mentor
Books - website and Amazon – E: version Waterston’s, Sainsbury’s, Amazon etc.,
You Tube video and interviews on various topics
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