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Reiki Healing Image
Reiki Healing Art by Maja Larson
I have been creating Art in various forms since my childhood; I learnt early on that it made me feel better when I drew. My mind could shut off and I could relax in that inner peace and quiet. They say life happens when you are busy doing other things…so in recent years with husband and kids changing the inner landscape, art seemed to have taken a back seat for a while. I was suddenly limited to doing what I could during Nap times and braving the insanity that ensues while they (my children) are awake and including them in the process. (Consequently my 4yr old now, likes to apply ‘Enertgy’ to everything!)
Two years ago I received both my Level 1 &2 Usui Reiki Attunements. (You are attuned to Reiki Energy at this time; I am hoping to receive my level 3 or Reiki Master Status later this year) That is when I had my AHA moment. It was starting to become clearer for me what I do when I am drawing, painting or jewelry making , I am pouring myself into my Art, in fact its a form of meditation, where I am able to open up to higher states of consciousness.
Spring 2011 saw a resurgence in creativity as my second child became more independent of me, and a sort of Renaissance in my Artistic Endeavors burst forth, which I have come to call- Reiki Healing Art. (To my knowledge at this time, which may change, I am one of few who are doing this fusion of Art and of Reiki)
It basically breaks down like this, I prepare and open myself up to the Universal Energy of Reiki, and then as I go out into the world, I channel the energy through my hands, heart and eyes, not to mention my chakras (astral/etheric energy centers that transmit, translate and receive light energy).
Once I have an image or impulse- a place to start, I again consciously open up to Reiki, and channel as I work the image digitally. Included in the process is a ritual I created to embed in the work the sacred symbols imparted to you at your attunement, some artists have shared these as the art, for me there are reasons they are secret, so they are included and charged/blessed within the image, but not a focal point of the art. The art is art, the Reiki is inside it.
The natural phenomena of Lightening striking is a good metaphor for how Reiki Healing Art, works. Traditionally the Art of Reiki, is the healing art of touch or gentle laying on of hands. The Universal Light Energy, available to us all in some way, is transmitted through the channel to the body of the patient. Like attracts like, therefore the holy light in my body resonates to the light and yours, and we create a conduit, for healing, love and light. Yes, opposites attract as well, and in that vein, love and light is attr

Reiki Healing Image
acted to the areas where this is NOT in your body or aura, as well as mine, as Reiki Heals both the channel and the patient.
With Art when you appreciate it, you are on a level opening up to spirit; you are In- spirited or inspired. It lifts you up closer to your highest good at that moment, if you allow it. So Reiki Art is an alchemy of Reiki energy being charged and pressed into the digital image, when you gaze at it or appreciate it, or it moves you, you are again opening to spirit, and the Reiki, Universal Life energy, flows into your Aura, signaling to your bodies natural healing mechanism to get going. Like Lightening, it needs to have a source on the ground that attracts it. The Reiki Healing image is your source, or grounding principal, holding a continuous charge with Universal Life Energy. To access it -all you have to do is, enjoy it.
The image is ‘timeless’ in the sense that it doesn’t just provide a temporary ‘fix’, or to put it another way, there is no follow up session to our work, you have an image tailored to you for a lifetime. The only time you would want another, is for specific ailments or you would simply love another beautiful inspirited image to gaze at and open up to love. Reiki can be transmitted through time and space, so the healing knows no boundaries; this enables me to work online with folks, which allows for less packaging, which helps my conscience concerning creating waste. (Custom framed works are of course available they are just in a higher price range) It also allows you to spread the love around, if you want put it on your Screen Saver, wallpaper, cell phone, coffee cup at work, Digital Frame the list is sort of endless, and it’s healing on the go. Ideally the best way to receive the benefits of your personalized or public download image is during a quiet meditation, using the image as a focus for your work.
I feel I have found my calling, the daily work of channeling and creating art work or other Reiki inspirited crafts, has lifted my vibration and grounded me equally. I am enthusiastic to be able to work to place Reiki Healing Art in offices and waiting rooms. Why offices? I can’t think of a better place where we shut down while waiting, I think it would be nice instead to be able to enjoy beautiful art and the benefit of unconditional love. It’s my way of paying it forward to my fellow man, to make waiting rooms and hospitals, dentist offices, daycares, the list goes on, a more pleasant and uplifting dare I say it, IN-spiring space to be in.
This is a link to my most recent effort in video meditations;
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