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I had the privilege of visiting Scotland and England recently. I walked beside Glencoe, Scotland and breathed in her beauty. I stood beside the Lochs and inhaled their magnificence. I met a golden eagle perched in a tall tree in the Isle of Mull. Scotland is quite dear to me and I have visited before. It always leaves me feeling inspired.
As I journeyed through the highlands and lowlands I prepared for the worst of weather and received blue skies daily. Each activity was spent connecting with nature. Meditation messages filled so much of my journal, that it felt as if my pen had a mind of its own. I blew a kiss to this fine country and my travels took me to Avebury and Stonehenge in England. It was here that I received such powerful insight and I share it now as I feel there is much to ponder.
Friday, August 16, 2013: Avebury Henge Meditation:
I stand in a field among the sheep and the large stones. I close my eyes and brilliant red lights appear. They pulse as if they are breathing and morph into purple. I felt lifted up high into the sky, the wind blows against my hair. I was shown how spirit looks down from above reminding me how we are always connected. I felt frozen in a vortex of energy as I let the message flow into me and fill me. "The stones are from earth just like man. You are a conduit of this energy given and bestowed upon to be an ambassador of the earth. Go–Blend–Love. We are each a representation of ALL THAT IS– of God’s love– as we are all a part of Source. It ends.
Sunday, August 18, 2013: Stonehenge Meditation:
I hear birds, I feel the wind, I hear the ocean and the laughter and crying of children that are speaking a language not my own. It all blends together as if it is a simple song. I am carried away by this melody and it gives a message. "Remember the Temple Mount and the Wailing Wall you once visited on your journey to Israel. They too are of the earth. Do NOT worship the stones as they are the same as man. We are all connected, every bird and dew drop is a part of SOURCE. These stones may in time disappear- it matters not. They are a reminder of our connection to SOURCE. Like sentinels they stand guard causing great wonder, helping us to look deeper within. It ends. I stooped as I was told to look down. I gathered a few pebbles and a feather, these I will hold as a reminder of the energy that lies within each of us.
These messages are not new. You may have sensed them when in the company of rain, dolphins, birds, crystals, dragonflies… or looking into the eyes of your pet. The henges are fascinating and I am in awe of their energy, but their message is clear…they are the same as you and I...they've just been around a little longer:)
Find your space and meditate, it does not need to be in a henge, although I must say it was quite intense, so if you get a chance DO go. You each have a beautiful spirit that has much to teach you, listen…learn…LOVE.
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