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Often when I listen or read articles by various motivational speakers the one thing they all seem to have is a back story that includes instances were they lived on the streets or had traumatic experiences that seemed to be the motivation for them to be the person they are now. Most of these speakers will go on to say ( Energy flows were attention Goes ) does this mean that every time a back story is told attention goes to the traumatic time and energy is given to it. The other statement you often hear is (Feel the Fear and do it Anyway) again putting your focus on the Fear is a sure way to get more of it, there is a best selling book with the same title, does this mean that the thousands of readers are all being re-traumatised and feeling fearful.
When Jenny introduced me to energy techniques over 10 years ago I attended courses in EFT, BSFF, EMDR, TAT and NLP and each and everyone taught us to find the core issue or find the most likely trauma that's is bothering the client.
Just like feeling the fear or reliving our back story we are again digging in the and sometimes even re-traumatising our client, this is were The Balance Procedure comes into its own. There is no need to delve into the past all we do is focus on our needs and wants recognising what these are and when we Balance check if we move back
wards, sideways or stand still this will indicate we are out of Balance. Then rather than explore the past trying to pinpoint what is causing us being out of Balance we simply breathe and complete the procedure until we move forward.
I've noticed people who aren't familiar with TBP can find it difficult to accept such a simple technique is so powerful but I always encourage them to just do it daily and see how things improve. I had a client the other day who was in a abusive relationship and kept trying to figure out how she kept attracting these partners, she was convinced a distant past event was to blame. After showing her how to Balance focusing on her and her child feeling safe and secure and encouraging her to try and keep focusing only on this and to ring me in a week.
Well things have developed a friend has asked to move in with her temporary and she has been accepted on a course, now these things may seem unconnected but until she started to feel safe and secure she was unable to think straight but now things are coming her way to enable her to feel safe so she was able to attract other experiences into her life. She also mentioned the past trauma she was dying to tell me about has now faded away, isn't working this way better than feeling the fear or focusing on past traumas.
Alan Cox.
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