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We are as Russian Dolls; meaning, although we have the five senses which pertain to this Earth Plane; World of Matter, which are:- See; Touch; Hear; Smell, and Taste - we also are able to THINK in a way that does not involve those senses in quite the same manner.
We are also able to imagine many concepts other than what we can see with our physical eyes. For instance:- Make up a story, without the need to hsave firstly read it from any book, etc:
We sometimes think of people who have ‘died’, or, who we have not seen, or heard of for some time. - Sometimes we can tell if someone is behind us; its as if we can actually ‘feel’ their presence.
We can imagine having ‘seen’ something or someone; then when we take another look; it has gone.
Another aspect is that:- sometimes we may forget things; mislay things; forget names; come out with a word not intended at that particular moment - also at times we might forget how to use something that we are well used to; or, find it more difficult to learn how to use something.
Sometimes we can find the the World is changing; and is becoming strange?.
We know we are the same person we have always been, but that everything / everyone else is changing. --
“WHY IS THIS”?? :-
The reason for all these things happening, and maybe more is; that we are in fact moving through the energies which are in the World. The entire ’stuff’ that makes up the world; our body; EVERYTHING is changing; but US. We are from the very Essence of ALL Life, and it is from this perspective we can now see the life surrounding us. We are now reflecting that wonderful Energies from the Being we know of as ‘God’ , and whilst we are at this consciousness level, then we too are in the Eternal Aspect of Life. The REAL you, has in face emerged in its fullest Bloom within your daily conscious mind.
There is a saying; “Once aware of stomaching; then you no longer have a need of it”; so, this must mean thast; slowly, but surely, it seems wer are undergoing a remarkable exchange of Energy System on the Earth; now we will be able to view Life in a totally different manner.
Always we must revert back to ourEternal Nature in order to; not only be as a TRUE WITNESS to the event; but; to also make that transition ourdelves; at the most appropriate manner.
The best way to carry out this procedure would be, to let go of ANYTHING that would have occurred in our personal World. Even if we would have ‘carried it around’ in our daily lives quite easily; it may actually prove to be acting as a kind of ‘block’ which would in fact be impeding our personal transition.
Many of these events will have been consigned to a ’shelf; or; cupboard; known as the Sub / un-consciousness; which is in the dark recesses, and, being a ’strange place’ we have had no real need to visit in a conscious manner; sometimes we would ’fear’ what is there, because our basic; ’5 senses’ body could possibly refuse to accept it; we might come into the scenario the North American Indians would term, ’The Two Wolves’ they would fight for supremacy; one being the representation of all the Love; compassion etc: we have within and the other; all of the greed; jealousy etc; within.
The Essence of Life will ALWAYS win over this ’fight’, and you would; in the conscious sense, be able to Witness this from a distance - meaning it would not be the ’REAL YOU’ involved, but, merely the acts of ’the lower consciousness’
What you - whilst at The Essence - could do, is send out Love let ’them’ know that ’whoever’ wins they are going to have to abide by your wishes.
Whatever the result may be then it is our duty - from The Essence’ - to guide all of our lower- self understanding, which they have been living in up till now, and onward to that which we know to be the way forward to the future - in fact we will then be a success in raising our Lower-Energies in line with the present scenario of raising The Consciousness of the Planet, and playing our part in the Grand Ascension Process; as did our Lord Jesus Christ; for this was His True Purpose of having been sent to earth. The physical Body of Jesus of Nazareth having been prepared to receive The Pure Essence of The Christ Energy in order to begin The Grand and Divine Intention of re-claiming The Children of God back into their Conscious Awareness, in every sense of being who they Truly are.
Brenda M Grubb=July 2013
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