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Chrissie Batten
Spiritual Counsellor,
Reiki Master,
It’s easy to believe that our life, and all that it consists, is all that there is for us!
Our individual experiences, challenges, hurts and pleasures make up an existence that we accept as being normal, and become engrossed with…as we face one hurdle after another. Stopping, starting, faltering, rising and falling, as we attend to, or try to ignore our thoughts and emotional prompts, that attempt to force us into unknown territories we have no concept of. Yet have to visit, in our search for happiness, success and peace of mind!
It’s no wonder we want to find a way to stop our confused suffering! Many seekers are asking…’When will this all end…?’.
But who would’ve believed that we would find ourselves in the position we are today…? As whilst many have been avidly searching for ways to find spiritual enlightenment, freedom from fear, increased connection to God energy, believing that their life would become dramatically improved once they have mastered these many skills, it’s emerged that so far, the things we’ve done in the past to improve ourselves and understanding of life, is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg…!
As whilst we’ve been focused on letting go of our individual past conditioning, that supports our fears and bad habits, I don’t think we realised just how B..I..G our search was going to be!
Whilst so many people have bravely accepted the challenge to change who they are, and have been dedicated in their quest for self-improvement and soul expansion, there are still many areas of life that have been neglected, because we never realised they existed! And whilst we believed that our ultimate aim was to conquer ourselves, it’s slowly emerging that our true purpose is so much more than that…!
AND – does this mean I’ve got to KEEP suffering?…!!
Well the simple answer is ‘NO’ to both questions! However, whilst we believed our remedial actions were leading us to a specific resolution, namely we would feel happier and more content once we reached a certain point of self-achievement, the true purpose for our existence is only just becoming apparent. As our purpose for being alive at this time is to not only change ourselves, but to also….CHANGE THE WORLD!!
And as we well know, that takes time…!
‘OMG – not more of that crap!! Isn’t that what we’ve been doing anyway?’……..Yes…I can hear you!!
We knew didn’t we, that changing ourselves would make a difference to the whole! We recognised that confronting our own limitations would lead others to do the same, creating a ripple effect that would increase as we grew in self-knowledge, self-power and most importantly, self-control! And just to reassure you, nothing associated to these changes has been wasted…everything has been purposeful!
So what I’m saying is that whilst we may have planned our evolutionary journey, say from A to Z (because that is the alphabet we know); and we measure our progress by feeling somewhere in-between A and Z…. what if ‘Z’ was not the true end point…? What if, instead of being a twenty-six lettered alphabet, there were more letters for us to learn…say another thirty, sixty, or even a million or more letters we knew nothi
Insight Pocket
Cards by Chrissie Batten
ng about, but nevertheless still existed as part of the alphabet? Where would we be then…?
I believe that is the position we are in now – where we’ve progressively worked our way through various restrictive, damaging elements in our life – that we knew about. Not that we’ve overcome them all, I have to add – simply that we’ve become aware of them, and so can find a way of positively managing them so they fail to hinder our existence as much!
Consequently, because of our evolutionary progression and position, we are facing the gradual emergence of unknown energetic aspects of life, that we effect and are affected by. But whereas hurtling into the unknown would have thrown us into chaos a while back, now, because we’ve been working on ourselves to control our reactive nature, we will have the skills to stand steady as the new future emerges and shows us what we need to do next!
Facing the unknown can make us scared…but when we realise that we don’t have to plan, manipulate or protect our future, we’re more likely to be able to just…GO-WITH-THE-FLOW!
And maybe that’s what we’ve been preparing for…to be able to…LET-GO… of the need to control and cajole people, things, situations, in order to placate our own needs. And to allow ourselves to remain in trust; confident in our knowledge that we are protected, as we are being guided. Knowing that if we do fall, we can quickly and easily rise again, because we haven’t been crushed into shattered pieces!
There is a rationale to life that although has always been there, we’ve not seen, simply because we could not comprehend it. We’ve been fighting the War Of Ego, where our minds were locked into regions that were within the parameters of human existence, and our limited understanding of what life meant.
But whilst we thought our search for resolution meant simply freeing ourselves from ego limitations, we’ve limited our potential for growth, because we’re still working toward control of something! And, just like the possibility of the extended alphabet, we only knew what we thought we knew! But there is more to come…and even though we don’t know what it involves yet, I believe there is an end purpose that is more beneficial to us than we could possibly imagine!
The world is a wonderful place to be at this time, because we have the opportunity to experience change never seen or experienced before. We have a chance to see things put right that were wrong. To see the sick healed! To witness the birth of a new nation of children that will evolve into mighty warriors that will protect nature’s gifts to our world!
We are here to see all this. We are the creators of all of this. We have the right to become the new people. People who can love each other without prejudice. People who care about how others hurt! People who place peace of mind and heart above the need for materialistic toys.
But the real benefit, the real gift of being alive at this time is that we get to see it all emerge – the future we never knew about. The elements of life we’ve yearned to experience, that were always there in the background, waiting for the right time to show themselves to us. Waiting until the time came, when we could control our reactions enough, to not destroy what we did not understand…!
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