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Do you believe in destiny? Do you believe it is possible to predict your own engagement date and your wedding date purely by seeing a picture? Well I met my wife just like this, by a chain of extraordinary synchronistic events that began well over 10 years ago on a train, when I got given an inspired message to give to a lady I did not know who was sitting opposite me. We became friends and some years later I lost contact with her. To cut a long story short, it led me to Norfolk and to someone who was to introduce me to my future wife.. The story is so remarkable it will have you convinced that there is more to this life than one could imagine possible. If you would like to read my story in full and the magical events that transpired, including my journey of enlightenment, inspired works of philosophy and poetry which come from an extraneous source and the link with Shakespeare - please read my new book 'In Search of the Swan'. It is a frank, touching, heart warming true story that proves there is more to this life than man can ever dream of.
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