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Peter Psychic
To me meditation has nothing to do with sitting in a full lotus position, listening to whale birthing music, smelling incense and saying Ohm.
To me meditation is a state of mind, still like a pond with hidden depths. It is relaxed yet aware at the same time
So how should one start to meditate:
The first step to meditation is finding yourself a place away from people, the reason for this is that if you start to meditate with others around you your start to pick up on their emotions and feelings. What this means is that the environment that you are in is charged with different energies and will always average out at the combined values of the your environment, a bit like mixing hot and cold water together you get tepid water.
Next find a place that you can relax in, somewhere that is quiet and free from stress.
Mediation is all about changing your focus ceasing to look outward and starting to look in at yourself. Without passion just as you would observe a picture, seeing that there are hidden depths to yourself. That all your actions are based on core needs and that these core needs can be destructive.
Meditation is the recognition that nothing is permanent and everything can be changed, within yourself and others. That by modifying your behavior, you change everyone around you, and they in turn change everyone around them.
Meditation is patience personified, it is the equivalent of water dripping on a stone, that with the passage of time the soft devours the strong. Constant and continual action always wins the day. Meditation is the Tortoise and the Hare.
Meditation is still
ness of thought, yet we can reach this stage of awareness through action too.
My favorite form of meditation is what I call active meditation, examples of this type of meditation can bee seen in the Japanese Tea ceremony.Understanding Mediation 2
Another place where you can see active meditation used is in the Sufi tradition, the so called "whirling dervishes".
Active meditation involves performing a task, it can be any task but and the big but is it must focus upon doing something physical rather than mental. A good example would be say the washing up or house work.
Your first step would be to still your mind don't think how dirty everything is just focus on the action that you are taking at that moment in time so turn on the tap watch how the water flows, squirt the washing up liquid into the bowl see how it reacts with the water, watch the bubbles evolve, pick up the scrubber observe how everything can be a kind of poetry see how your muscles move in your arm feel the strength in your hands when they pick up a plate.
You can see where this is going in effect you become an observer of your actions without criticizing you become the observer and through this process you start to see perfection in all your actions, yet you also start to realize you are not your actions.
That is what truly Meditation is there for, to make you realize that YOU ARE NOT YOUR ACTIONS, That you can change your actions in any way you see fit. That perfection is gained once you distance yourself from the outcome of any action.
Starting to Understand Meditation is literally the start of the Journey.
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