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animal healer
Mick is a 9 months old male mixed boxer dog rescue from a kennel in Hungary by a family from Austria. The owners of the puppy are four the mother and her husband one girl fifteen years old and a boy twelve years old. They came for vacation to Paros Island and the dog was travelled by two flights almost ten hours (in a box for 10h alone with noise and dark) and suddenly the dog appeared fear, anxiety and aggression to the members of the family (especially to the girl), they called me by asking me if I could meet them and do something for this problem so we organized an appointment at my place.
Prior to Appointment
Two days before the appointment I did a distance reiki to the dog. Before I began the distance reiki sessions, I grounded myself and sat in a short meditation. I prefer to use a proxy during distance reiki (visual guide or item) so I used a stuffed dog. I find that if I don’t know the dogs appearance or if I don’t have the dog in front of me, having something to actually put my hands on is extremely useful. In order to strengthen the connection with Mick I chose to use reiki symbols.
Using Reiki
I began with an open heart and a loving heart connection and I felt immediately a connection to him. He was anxious and unsure of where he was. Because animals can receive images and symbols, I sent Mick images of animals playing ball with children, a bed with a dog sleeping and other animals snuggling together. As the reiki session progressed, I could feel that his energy was both gentle and peaceful. I thanked Mick for allowing me to perform reiki on him and then ended the reiki session with him.
Preparation and day of appointment
Before I began each treatment session, I grounded myself. I spent time in meditation and performed a grounding technique using visualization and intention.
Also every night before the sleep time and every morning I do my prayer and affirmation. I have to notice that I communicate only the Good that I specify seeing. I use words that impart only Positive actions taking place right now. When I have created the affirmations I want to employ, I make them even more effective by combining them with visualisation. This effectively producing a movie with the help and use of all of my senses. I’m creating a clearly detailed picture so that I undergo in my mind the positive outcome I’m hoping for. I make my picture as vivid, bright, colourful, optimistic and positive as possible and I try to see only the positive that is happening.
Also before the session I prepared my place.
lavender for pets
I diffused lavender and I create a calming mist spray of lavender and distilled water (36 drops of lavender mixed with 135 grammarian of distilled water) and I sprayed all the area where I would be sitting during the treatment session because I find this mist is great to calm animal, people and is perfect for anxiety and did the same with my office.
When they arrived to my place, Mick was jumping from their car and he was extremely friendly and warm towards me. That time I felt that he recognized the heart connection we had two days before. His family was surprised. We went all together to my office.
I took all the information I needed, for the Mick as behavioral problems, the food, and medical historical, also I took information for their attitudes how many time they spend with Mick here who are in vacation and also to their country who used to live. The girl said to me that she wants to be a dog trainer and that” Mick is my first dog and I press him with training a lot because I want to prove that I’m good enough to became a dog trainer, and after all this pressure to him and the difficult flight, he looks like he hates me …I feel so sorry..”
After that I explain to them what exactly is the animal healing and the energy healing. Also that animals are generally very sensitive to energy in the form of
thoughts, intentions, emotions, or feelings directed toward them.
I sat on the floor and began with a small meditation and centering. I grounded myself and began to send calming reiki energy throughout the place. Mick came and laid near me as I began to send reiki to him. Throughout the thirty minute session, he would move around, stretch and he lay down again.
Because my attention and focus was on the Mick I was not aware until after the session my 3 cats had also joined us in various parts of my special place. It is always reminder that everyone and everything benefits from reiki energy.
After Healing Advise
After the session was over, I recommended that the family use the Rescue Bach flower remedy as needed. Bach flower rescue remedy is recommended to reduce animal stress and tension, It is used for support through any challenge whether physical, emotional or spiritual, and to restore a sense of safety, peace and calm. Rescue Remedy is comprised of: Cherry Plum – to help retain control Clematis – to restore consciousness Impatiens – to relieve pain and anxiety Rock Rose – to relieve panic and fear Star of Bethlehem – to comfort and release trauma. The recommended dosage is to add 2 drops to his water, a drop to his food or a drop to his paw.
Also I gave to all family, especially to their daughter (who wanted to be a dog trainer) some tips and training advices as that clicker training is so effective in treating aggressive cues because it is able to mark the correct behavior so precisely. Sometimes one can’t click fast enough! The clicker means the same thing, all the time, no matter who is holding the clicker. It conveys confidence, even if one’s hand is sweating in apprehension. Also the sound of the click is thought to be calming to the amygdala of the brain. The brain interprets it faster than a spoken word. Also before she starts to train the dog she has to connect with the Earth because that helps her to become one with her dog and sense his physical, emotional, mental and spiritual reality without the strain (for her and general the animals) of reaching forward with mental projections, analysis, or other energy. This method of getting down through her body extended sensing affords a more complete picture of what is going on with the dog than more separated methods of communication. It is more likely to yield a full and accurate interpretation when put into words. They were all so calm and happy they told me that we will continue by distance session because they had to return to their country.
animal reiki
I have had much feedback from my clients saying that not only did their whole relationship with this dog change after a session, but they found that their human relationships were impacted too. Witnessing people’s lives open up to connecting with their intuitive knowledge has been “proof” to me that animal communication works in immeasurable ways.
Knowledge of the heart cannot be measured. It is experienced. To be loved unconditionally and accepted without judgment is one of the most healing things we can experience. To be a facilitator of this process for people and their animals is incredibly rewarding and humbling. The goal for me, as an animal healer and dog trainer, is to help people find their intuitive connection to their animals, all living things, and the world around them. It is not my goal to have them depend on me for their answers. In fact, it is not about giving them answers at all, but it is to help them find insight. We all have our own answers and our own “proof” within us. We need to acknowledge that intuitive knowledge within us and connect with our hearts. Then, what can be measured is the outcome. And something really important to me after my experience with using distant reiki on Mick I joined the distant healing network so I could help animals around the world and get more practice. Because now this I need more practice!!!
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