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When I first read 'The Secret' there were two things that I wanted to attract; the opportunity to live abroad and the chance to earn more money. As a result I created a vision board of everything I wanted to have, be and experience. I had a picture of the Burj Al Arab in Dubai, an image of Central Park in New York, and a cheque for £10,000. I hung the board in my room and looked at the images in passing every day. A few months later I had found a job teaching English in Dubai, and a two year contract that finished with a bonus of £10,000. I moved out there and had two of the best years of my life. I used the money to travel to New York, attend two self development courses with people who have inspired me, and meet one of my favourite authors Susan Jeffers, who I am now training for.
The money didn't last forever though and leaving my full time job as a Teacher and moving home to pursue a career as a Life Coach, left me in a less than desirable financial situation. I knew that in order to attract money I would have to come into alignment with how I would feel if I had money. This is less than easy when you feel as if you really need it. However I remembered what had happened previously and I decided to go about it in a similar way....
On Christmas night my family and I went to my auntie's house, as we got there I noticed there was a lot of money on the table. As I moved closer I realised that it wasn't real money, it was napkins that looked like money. It was perfect for me to have in my room so I took some fifties and twenties and left them by my mirror. I also noticed the negativity in my thoughts and chose some positive affirmations instead, I began saying 'money comes to me easily' and 'money comes to me in unexpected ways'.
On the way to my part time job in Chester I noticed a shop that brought Gold and I remembered all the old jewellery I had in my cupboard. I went home that night, gathered it all together and took it in to be weighed and priced. To my surprise it was worth nearly £300. I made the decision to sell it which unfortunately upset my Mum who has considered the items sentimental. Trying to buy the Gold back didn't work either. Despite having attracted extra money I was disheartened by the fact that I had upset someone I loved in the process. Still every morning I looked at the napkins of money and printed off another cheque for £100,000.
Just before I went down to London for New Years Eve, I received a letter from Inland Revenue. I had registered two days earlier as self employed and expected that it would be my new tax code, so I put the letter down, picked my suitcase up and left to catch my train. By the time I returned three days later I had completely forgotten about the letter. My Mum asked me to open it so my mail didn't build up. I opened it and to my delight I had been given a tax rebate of £600! I couldn't believe it especially as I had been working away for two and a half years and I had already received a tax rebate before I left for Dubai.
My Dad's reply was 'have you been rubbing the belly's of those Buddha's in your room'.
It may not have been £100,000 but it was the hope and faith I was looking for.
For help on how to attract and allow what you want in life book onto a 'Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway' workshop. Next workshop is Saturday 24th March 2012. Spaces are limited please book online at or to speak to lucy directly email or telephone 07906971786.
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