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Habits of highly healthy people
Do you ever feel as if your heart is weighed down by over indulgence? Eating too much, drinking too much and shopping too much? With the pace of today's lifestyle it is very easy to act impulsively, but such behaviour only serves us in the short term.
How we feel about our body, our lifestyle and spending habits can play a huge part in our overall happiness and sense of well being. The following habits have helped me to create and sustain a balanced lifestyle which is aligned to a positive way of thinking and being
Begin your day in a healthy way
The way we start our day will have an affect on how the rest of the day unfolds. Do you give yourself ten minutes to get up and rush around before you leave for work? Or do you give yourself plenty of time to wake up gently? One way to enjoy your morning is to wake up and begin to look for all the miracles in your life, such as the bed you have, the house you live in, the people you share your life with and the job you are preparing to go to. Appreciate the hot water that is readily available to you as you get in the shower and the clothes you have to choose from. Then create a satisfying breakfast that will give you energy until your next meal.
Take the time to sit and enjoy three balanced meals a day. It is beneficial to be mindful of the portions and types of food we plan to eat. Make it a priority to have three meals which contain foods that will help you feel good and have a great day. Try to eliminate eating on the go, you lose out on the pleasure and satisfaction of a sit down meal, and your mind does not regsiter that you have fed it.
Daily meal guide Breakfast- Porridge with raisins and cranberries or Herbalife Formula 1 smoothy/shake.
Lunch-Herbalife Smoothy/shake/soup, a healthy meal bar/protein bar.
Dinner- Salad (lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, sweet corn, onion, pepper) with a piece of chicken
Snacks-Peanut butter on oat cakes/ A handful of nuts or dried fruit.
I used to hold the belief that picking at food throughout the day was enough. However the problem with this is that you forget how much you have eaten and don't always feel full. Eating a little bit at a time does not feel like much, and you may find you have eaten more than you think. If snacking in the day is something you find less than easy to stop, that's great too. You know your body and how it will react in certain situations. In this case carry around healthy snacks to take the edge off your hunger until your next meal, or a Herbalife shake to sip on.
Exercise 3-4 times a week to give your body the energy it needs. It could be that you spend time in the gym, go for a swim, attend an exercise class or go for a walk in the morning or at night when you get home from work. Do not become a slave to strict exercise regimes or diet plans that only leave you feeling disappointed when you can't keep to them.
If you manipulate your lifestyle to create an ideal weight it can be difficult to maintain as your body changes and ages. Eat healthy food because it is good for your body short and long term. Your shape and weight will naturally follow. You may even find that not working out to look a certain way but to be happy gives you more motivation.
Slow down
One of my favourite mantras for life is to slow down, and this can be applied to many areas. When it comes to eating put your knife and fork down and concentrate on what is in your mouth not on what the next mouthful is going to taste like. Take your time chewing each mouthful fully and notice the change in texture and flavour. Take a breath in between each mouthful. Pay attention to the signs that your body has had enough, the process of slowing down will prevent you from feeling uncomfortably full.
If you have a thought like 'I need that extra piece of chocolate cake' just notice it as opposed to quickly and impulsively reacting to it. In truth we can never really have enough of what we did not want in the first place. In other words one cookie is not enough and ten is too many. If you are still hungry an hour or so later after the thought has passed reach for an apple, read a book, go for a walk, drink a glass of water and watch how your attention to something else dissolves the craving.
Have faith in the benefits of a healthy lifestyle
Have faith in what you are yet to see, trust that eating fruit and vegetables and taking regular exercise will be helping your body in the long term. There are times I have been for a run and then felt flat and unmotivated by what I see in the mirror. Don't be disheartened or start to unravel healthy habits you are putting in place. Create positive affirmations of how you are becoming fitter, healthier and happier day by day. Don't waste one more day not appreciating you, your body is one of the most amazing gifts that you have; appreciate it for what it allows you to do in this world.
Do not judge yourself or others for current eating habits There is no perfect way of eating, when we realise this we are less inclined to judge ourselves and others. When you have those days were you eat a little too much, or you don't eat enough, or you eat a meal so fast you don't fully enjoy the experience, accept those days for what they are-opportunities for growth and part of the human experience. Don't continue to think about something you wish you had done differently in the past, know that you will be faced with a similar situation in the future and you will make a different choice-then let it go. The best way to stop thinking of unwanted past behaviour is to focus on something else. So perhaps take a walk, watch a film, or go and speak to a member of your family and see how their day has been.
Learning moderation is significant in spiritual growth. I think it is important to enjoy what life has to offer but not to the detriment of our health and happiness. For example, at lunch have a salad and then treat yourself to a thin slice of cake afterwards, practice leaving food on your plate so that you become less attached to food, have a social drink with your friends if you want to and give your body the water it needs in between.
There may be another area of your life were you struggle with moderation or control-perfect! This will be were your lessons lie. While you learn those lessons the patience and compassion that you develop for yourself can be applied to other areas in your life and other people. Remember that these are not sinful habits that need to be penalized but rather mistakes that need to be corrected.
Do you feel that your overall wellness needs a boost? If you don’t feel as good as you think you should this FREE Wellness Evaluation is for you.
Together with Lucy as your personal wellness coach you will take an hour to look at the factors that could help improve your health and well being. This can be done over the phone or in person. You will learn all about your current wellness and how you can improve the areas that are important to you. Learn your own numbers: Resting metabolic rate, body fat percentage, body mass index.
You will also be shown how you can make the changes that will make you feel and look better-with a personalised eating plan and simple recommendations from Lucy, your coach. She will take you through the Evaluation and then work with you long term to reach your wellness goals-for FREE!
To book your FREE Wellness Evaluation today simply use the contact form below or contact Lucy on:
Tel: +44 (0) 7906971786
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