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Welcome to the December Magdalene Newsletter, a place of sharing in these transformational times, honouring the earth and the sacred feminine during our journey towards unity. The old ways of separation do not work in the new world and as we move towards inner wholeness we are now coming together both within and without.
This month we have the winter solstice which heralds the return of the light; may you all be bathed in the eternal light of love and truth as the cycles of the seasons turn yet again.
We would like to thank you for all your support during this year, your attendance at our retreat days and our classes, your contribution on Facebook and for all the love which you always bring when we gather together.
With love,
Margaret and Graham
Magdalene Priestess Training
This is an 8 part series of downloadable audio workshops to be completed during each turning of the wheel of the year. I have set up a closed facebook group, Magdalene Priestesses, where you are to share your experiences of the teachings with me and with the others who participate. You will be given guidance and feedback there; you will also have the support of other trainee priestesses. At the completion of the year long course following the writing of a short essay you will be able to call yourself a Magdalene Priestess and set up your own circle if you wish. This course will enable you to awaken to the lives you have lived as a priestess. Mary Magdalene was a Nazarene Priestess and she along with other cosmic teachers will provide the knowledge for this training. You can begin at any time of the year.
The cost is £40 for each of the 8 parts.
As we have had enquiries from people who would like to do this course alone for their own personal healing and education without participating in the Facebook group we are now offering it as a self-study course also. There will be no initiation or certificate at the end of it; the cost for each of these workshops is £20.
For those of you who are fully trained Magdalene Priestesses you can now register to begin the High Priestess Training.
Please get in touch if you are interested.
Messages Of Light
There is a sense of the sacred entering into the work we do more than ever before, an added dimension to all that you do no matter what it is and you will feel it for the time has come for a deeper connection to the divine.
Many of you follow this spiritual path for different reasons and most of you feel that it is a deep calling and a mission and you understand also that this is the path of self healing. There is another aspect to our work and that is eventually to have a direct experience of God. We can use the terms God and goddess but as I often say, to me this implies separation as it is an expression of male and female and so I prefer to use the word divinity when I can.
There really is no separation from serving others, healing the self and finding the divine for they are all part of the same truth and when you heal your heart it is then that you are open to the beginning of self-realisation. We can know that we are part of the divine but to have an experience of it is something completely different. I know it but I have not experienced it even though I have had moments and glimpses. Self realisation has to be earned and it is a hard task and a long journey and even after that moment of truth the journey still continues as we deepen our connection to the unity of all things.
Recently I have had an experience which I would like to share with you as it may help you in your understanding of God. In a vision I was standing at the edge of the ocean and I watched as a huge beam of shimmering light descended over the water, I walked out to that light and the light lifted me up above the Earth and I held the Earth close to me. I felt myself being lifted away from the Earth and as I came to a standstill I saw a huge white flower in front of me and this flower entered my heart. I understood what the flower was because I heard the words, flower of God.
I looked into the flower in my heart and I saw that the centre of it was empty and as I looked into it I saw the universe beyond.
As the flower became embedded in my heart a shimmering brilliant white light then appeared and it looked like a starburst as it was constantly moving and radiating and it was the brightest white light I had ever seen and I had to look away the light was so bright. This light also entered into my heart and became one with the white flower. I had already known that a yellow flower is a symbol of the soul and whenever I am drawn to give one to a person or I see one with someone I know that I am dealing with that person’s soul and so when I saw the white flower I knew this was something else and I completely accepted what I had heard that it was the flower of God.
From that moment I understood that whenever I was drawn to a white flower that I was working on the highest level with the sacred light of the divine. There are stages to awakening, stages to your connection to yourself and it takes a long time to eventually reunite with your own soul. Your soul is a spark of the divine and it is not separate even though it still retains its own individuality and even when the lower and the higher self merge as one it still does not have the realisation that it is the divine.
Very often the great teachers of light have appeared dressed in white with a face like the Sun because they are God realised beings with the gold of their soul like the Sun of their faces blended with the white of the divine. From this moment when you work with a white flower just know that it is the flower of God and that you are moving closer to the realisation that you are God.
Not long after I was shown the vision of the white flower I looked out of the window into the garden and I saw what I had done recently for I had draped solar lights from a tree over my birdbath so that it looked like a fountain of light and those lights were white flowers; the fountain of light is the Godhead, the source of all things.
Christmas time is supposed to be a spiritual time but now more than ever it is just a time of excess and materialism and I know that those of you reading this newsletter understand this fully. It is so absurd as well because Christ was not born on 25th December 2000 years ago, he was born on March 1st seven BC. The church took the date of the winter solstice and manipulated it into the birth of Christ. I wonder how many people would look at Christmas differently if they knew this and if they knew it was indeed a pagan ceremony.
The winter solstice brings the return of the Sun as the light comes back to our blessed Earth and so many ancient cultures had their own birth story for this time of the year, it is a universal tale of renewal and rebirth. I say this more and more to people, please question everything, question all you have learnt spiritually, question all that you read and all other people tell you; research the things you hear about and keep looking until you find the complete truth.
Let the white flower of God fill you with sacred vibrations and find yourself as never before with no denial only an acceptance of all of you. You are already the white flower of God but you just haven’t realised it yet as I haven’t but maybe as we leave behind the shackles of the emotional patterns of our past and resolve to shatter the guilt, the unworthiness and all the old emotions we can begin again having emptied out of the vibrations of those things. We can begin again and just as the Sun returns to the Earth we can fill ourselves with the light of complete acceptance and surrender to the knowledge that we are already divine x
Flower of the Month
Flowers belong to another realm; they are the healers of the soul. Their cosmic blueprints are within the worlds of spirit. Each month I bring to you a flower which represents the energy of the time and so I give you a white jasmine flower. This beautiful star shaped sweetly perfumed flower is the flower of the heart and it will heal your heart over and over again.
Place this tiny little white flower into your heart and feel its perfume, feel it completely and let that perfume go into your bloodstream, then into your cells and from there into your DNA so that the essence of it brings deep healing.
This is such a simple thing to do for all you have to do is to place one little flower into your heart and it will do its work, there is nothing for you to do but remember only that this is a flower of God and what you are bringing in is God’s healing and god’s medicine and what could be better than that.
Let this flower heal your physical heart and your emotional heart and let it soothe you if you are sad or grieving and let it uplift you when you are feeling low and it will become a great treasure to you in your Storehouse of healing flowers.
Mystic Journeys
Manifest a gown around you made of iridescent Buttercup flowers and feel yourself in the gold. This is the golden light of your soul and the Buttercup is the greatest flower to heal the inner child for it brings such simplicity and much grace.
You are then taken to a Temple garden and the garden is made entirely of white flowers. Always be very aware of the symbolism of all the journeys which you make and in this one remember that the Temple is a symbol of you so that you are in the very centre of the white garden.
You walk through the garden seeing so many different types of flowers; there are tiny flowers growing close to the ground and there tall flowers swaying covered in many blossoms; the sight before you is glorious. As you walk around the garden you come to an arbour covered in every type of climbing white flowers and all you can see are the flowers; you go and sit within it and you look out at the sea of white before you and as you do a beautiful wind sweeps through the garden and you watch as the flowers nod their heads.
The wind then comes and wraps itself around you and it wraps around you like a warm hug and the feeling from it is of the greatest love and the greatest peace. Your whole being begins to relax and your mind empties out of all your concerns for you know that you are in the presence of the divine.
You understand that God is all around you and even though there is no form everything you see is part of divinity. You communicate mind to mind with everything around you, you ask your questions, you ask for healing and you listen and you hear back so clearly your answers. You are so used to your guides coming to you for your communications and this feels different but you know without a doubt that this is the most powerful experience you have ever had for you are surrounded by the source of all things.
Return to this garden when ever you wish to fill up with the great white light and when you need to find the comfort and love and peace which comes from your connection to the source.
We have recently set up a YouTube channel to share healing messages so if you would like to listen to the messages here is the link:
Tales From Rose Cottage available on Kindle
A mystical fairy story containing the teachings of Mary Magdalene.
Available from Amazon:
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