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There are many techniques that delve into a person’s past trying to find the cause of why they are feeling what it they are feeling, these can be deep routed trauma, inner child memories or some slight innocuous remark remembered from their past. There are several names associated with this phenomena such as self limiting beliefs etc. I have named this Shadow Memories because if you give someone or something a name it becomes real and Shadow Memories certainly are real
and yes they can be addressed
I and my late wife Jenny c/o created our technique The Balance Procedure (TBP) and it’s very effective in clearing specific shadow memories and example. If a person wanted to present a talk they would focus on their best outcome and during a TBP session may show to have a reluctance to making said speech. This would indicate certain shadow memories are being accessed such as last time I made speech or when in school students laughed at me, it’s almost impossible to find the exact cause. That’s why in using TBP we don’t concern ourselves with what is wrong we simply focus on what we want and need, and using TBP clear any shadow memories and go on to doing what it is you want i.e. making that speech.
Something I started to notice these past few years is many people have gotten very fearful and have shut themselves down to the extent, they can’t even visualise what they want and need. This is one of the reasons I created the Balance Labyrinth Concept, labyrinths and hand held labyrinths have and are still used in many religions and cultures to reach a spiritual state. I have combined the energy on TBP with the energy of Labyrinths and now use my hand held image to clear many shadow memories quickly and simply by spending often less than 5 minutes using the Balance Labyrinth.
I’ve found even people with deep routed trauma and depression can simply sit quietly and trace their index finger around the Labyrinth and can feel a wonderful sense of release and are able to start feeling more positive on what they want and need.
To find out more contact me on and visit my website Alan Cox
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