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My Last Supper
A Moment Before The Dawn on a New World:
Homage to the great master Leonardo da Vinci.
A fresh, contemporary interpretation to the world's famous masterpiece.
One of the world’s greatest masterpieces was completed in 1498 on the wall of Santa Maria delle Grazie church in Milano, Italy. Leonardo da Vinci was 40 years old. It took him 4 years to complete his masterpiece.
Five centuries later, “The Last Supper” continues to inspire artists of modern times, who re-created the scene, giving it their own interpretations and presenting it in contemporary versions.
Being born in the land where the history actually happened, I took the liberty to create my own version of “The Last Supper”.
My own version of "The Last Supper" ignores any religious aspects, and offers a new meaning to the subject of festivity. Here I took da Vinci’s creation in a different direction:
Instead of a last supper before the ending of a life, my own version shows a last supper before rebirth, a moment before a latent potential materializes.
This is a celebration of a night before new souls are incarnated: The boards on the walls show Hebrew letter-combinations, which compose the genetic code of the universe. The Large moon in the sky symbolizes the feminine energy of revival and rejuvenation.
A significant symbol for birth and new beginnings is the feminine figure which carries the seed of life.
The figures in da Vinci’s original masterpiece were replaced here with twelve pregnant women, who are expecting to give birth the next day.
These women are the vessel through which new souls are incarnated. Their “Last Supper” is a celebration for their forthcoming fulfillment.
One male is present in the scene to demonstrate the balance of a human society.
A night of full moon symbolizes the feminine energies of creation and realization.
The Large texts on the walls are letter combinations of the Hebrew Alphabet, which, according to the Kabbalah – compose the genetic code of the universe.
The essence of this scene is of hope and expectation for good outcomes.
During my creation process, I chose to be loyal to da Vinci’s genius composition in order to let it reflect through my work.
This painting was created as digital art, and is printed as collectors’ limited edition on canvas.
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