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CLAIRVOYANCE, MEDIUMSHIP, Good Mother's Day present.RYDE INDEPENDENT SPIRITUALIST CENTRE, THE TOWN CLUB, RYDE, PO33 2JH. Tel. Les 883466/Connie 615062 Sundays 6pm £1, always includes Philosophy & Clairvoyance. Also Tuesday's 7.30pm £3 different types of Events, inc Clairvoyance. APRIL SUNDAY 2nd at 6pm SHARON DEARDEN fr ROCHDALE TUESDAY 4th @ 7.30pm CONNIE & STEVE SUTTERS at 7.30pm SUNDAY 9th @ 6pm GERALDINE SWAINE & JIM DIMITRI from BOGNOR TUESDAY 11th @ 7.30pm PAUL CISSEL from PORTSMOUTH SUNDAY 16th NO SERVICE TUESDAY 18th OPEN CIRCLE @ 7.30pm SUNDAY 23rd @ 6pm SCOTT NOLAN - COSHAM TUESDAY 25th @ 7.30pm LES & PETE COBAIN from
Date for diary:- Saturday 27th May 2017 2pm - 8pm, All sorts of mediumship, Private Readings £15 inc free entry to day, good raffles, stalls, see what our Spiritual day is all about. No need to be frightened, we only allow spirits who don't harm anyone, your loved ones will only show love, there is a universal law, which all spirits in the spirit world, ( or heaven as you may call it) have to obey. So come and ask questions, that you may have always wanted answered, or sit & enjoy various demonstrations. Book your private sittings before they run out. Call Les 883466
We must say by law, Mediumship is an experiment & cannot be guaranteed.
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