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It's Alyssa From Holistic Angels with your weekly angel messages! August 9th-16th.
The beginning of the week tells us it is time to spread our wings and fly! do not let anyone hold you back or put you down you are SO ready to follow your dreams. Often we may run our ideas past friends or family for insights or approval, but sometimes they can unintentionally 'put a downer' on something or be over critical. Often this is well intentioned, but until you are 100% secure in what you are doing you might want to just keep those ideas to yourself or share them with a like-minded group. You are so powerful and so special, don't let anyone dim your light.
The middle of the week Arch Angel Michael tells us to get clear on what we want. We need not feel guilty or wrong for commanding what we want. It is fine to be a natural nurturer and yet still be authoritative. Now is time to command what we want. Often sensitive people have difficulty demanding their needs either to the universe or those around them, but know that you should do this! We are all children of the universe and like any loving parent the universe wants to provide for us. We have a special gift of free will however, and so we need to ASK for what we need. we can affirm
"Arch Angel Michael please give me the tools I need to move forward on my life purpose"
If your not sure what you need it's ok! you can affirm "Arch Angel Michael, please give me signs to show me what I need to move forward on my life purpose, so that I may ask fully and have my needs met"
Towards the end of the week Arch Angel Michael makes another appearance! His message to us is that 'we are safe' we are safe to follow our dreams and goals, and take that leap of faith. He is also showing us how we can shield and protect ourselves from any low, or harsh energies at his time. If you are having difficulties with an ex partner, a friendship group or at work, where gossiping is taking place ask Arch Angel Michael to give you his shield of protection and his sword of truth.
His sword is a symbol of cutting through lies, and cutting cords that we attach to others energetically you can affirm "Arch Angel Michael please cut any cords I have attached to others so that my energy, my life force energy is no longer drained"
You can also ask him to give you his shield to stop any negative influences penetrating your energy field by simply saying "Arch Angel Michael, please surround me with your shield today so that I am no longer affected by people's low energies, so that I may fell complete and strong"
This is a great week of manifestation and transformation! So spread your wings! Get clear! and know that you are divinely protected!
For more information on the cards this week you can check out our youtube channel link below.
For a personal and detailed reading you can contact us at
Alyssa Is a Doreen Virtue Certified Angel Card Reader, and a Charles Virtue Certified Spiritual Teacher. She holds, workshops, and seminars around the country to contact Alyssa about any events you are holding you can email her at
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