Clear Quartz Angels (1370) (Global)
By:Keith Birch
Date: Tue,04 May 2021
Submitter:KSC Crystals
Work with angels and experience a whole new world !
In which ever way Angels are known, there are ways in which you can communicate and ......View
December 2017 Oracle Card Reading (6515) (Global)
By:Alyssa Cruise
Date: Wed,06 Dec 2017
Submitter:Alyssa Cruise
Welcome to the month of December's Oracle Card Reading. I am wishing you a peaceful month, filled with love, joy & happiness.
Thank you......View
Ask an Angel (5944) (Global)
By:The Wisdom of Chi
Date: Sat,21 Oct 2017
Submitter:Paul Schofield
Would you please give us your advice on things we should value most in our lives?
"The essence of yourselves is pure love and to bring t......View
Earth Angels (10809) (Global)
Date: Wed,27 Jul 2016
Submitter:Marie Delanote
Angels come in different shapes and sizes. We have our energetic high vibrational 'not to be seen with the naked eye Angels' and the earth ......View
Undercover Angels (13906) (Global)
By:Cheryl-lya S Broadfoot
Date: Sat,14 Feb 2015
Submitter:Cheryl-lya Systique Broadfoot
Our best teachers are often the ones we least expect. Yes, they are so deep undercover that we don’t even recognise them for the angels the......View
What is an angel? (13940) (Global)
By:Cheryl-lya S Broadfoot
Date: Wed,17 Sep 2014
What is an angel?
“Angel... An out breath of God manifest.”
I have been walking with angelic energies all my life. Yet, it took me y......View
The Angels, MH370 and MH17 (12430) (Global)
By:Heather Parsons
Date: Fri,25 Jul 2014
The Angels, MH 370 and MH 17
I woke with a start wondering if my dream had been as real as it had felt. Even as I lay in bed with my mi......View
Edgar Cayce's Angel (13312) (Global)
By:Doug Simpson
Date: Fri,13 Jun 2014
Submitter:Doug Simpson
Edgar Cayce, the Edgar Cayce who was destined to become America's legendary mystic, began attending Sunday School classes at age ten. The l......View
Connecting with Angels (15529) (Global)
By:T Kershaw
Date: Tue,06 May 2014
Submitter:Luna Holistics
Working with Angels is now becoming more and more popular. People have always communicated with their angels and guides however not everyon......View
The Truth About Angels and Devils (11452) (Global)
By:Guy Finley
Date: Tue,06 May 2014
Submitter:Life of Learning Foundation
It's vital to understand that angels and devils exist and are always hard at work around us. This fact is no cause for fear, for while thei......View
A Grandmothers Love (12250) (Global)
By:Alyssa Cruise
Date: Mon,14 Apr 2014
Submitter:Alyssa cruise (indigo child)
Growing up my grandmother was always there. She supported my every goal and celebrated my every achievement. When my parents divorced she h......View
The balance of life (13323) (Global)
By:Alyssa Cruise
Date: Thu,03 Apr 2014
Submitter:Alyssa cruise (indigo child)
Many people talk about finding balance in their lives, “You need to find balance” they would say. I always felt like saying back to them “......View
In the Company of Angels (11304) (Global)
By:Jo Cruise
Date: Thu,03 Apr 2014
Submitter:Jo Cruise
Following the heartbreaking death of my mother from cancer 18 months ago my father was also told the devastating news just 6 weeks before l......View
The desert island predicament (13594) (Global)
By:Alyssa Cruise
Date: Thu,20 Mar 2014
Submitter:Alyssa cruise (indigo child)
This article is a personal conversation I had with someone close to me. I will not name them but the individual is a very insightful young......View
Angels In Training (9078) (Global)
By:Tiffany Wardle
Date: Thu,20 Mar 2014
Submitter:Nathan Paice
Channelling is a form of communication between humans and, in this case, angels. There are different type of channelling. From channelling ......View
Manifesting Good Health (10684) (Global)
By:Amanda Tooke
Date: Mon,24 Feb 2014
Submitter:The Angel Mystic
This is my blog about the difference I have made to my health and well being. But I need to be clear I am not professing to be an expert o......View
How to get help from Angels? (15869) (Global)
By:By Kyle Gray
Date: Sat,25 Jan 2014
Kyle Gray is an Angel communicator, medium and motivational speaker based in the West of Scotland where he was born and raised. At just 24,......View
How to get help from Angels? (155022) (Global)
By:Kyle Gray
Date: Sat,25 Jan 2014
Kyle Gray is an Angel communicator, medium and motivational speaker based in the West of Scotland where he was born and raised. At just 24,......View
Find your Goddess Archetype (9231) (Global)
By:Tiffany Wardle
Date: Wed,30 Oct 2013
Submitter:Angels In Training
Find your Goddess Archetype
Below there is a list of Goddesses for you to choose the ancient Greek deity to encourage certain elements w......View
Angels Magazine (10212) (Global)
By:Tiffany Wardle
Date: Thu,01 Aug 2013
Submitter:Tiffany Wardle
The only exclusively channeled magazine in publication. Purely channeled messages direct from your Angels. Reaching out to Angels in traini......View
Angels Magazine (12071) (Global)
By:Tiffany Wardle
Date: Thu,20 Jun 2013
Submitter:Tiffany Wardle
We would proudly like to announce the launch of Angels Magazine!
The only exclusively channeled magazine in publication. Purely channeled ......View
Online Angel Therapy Course (11016) (International)
By:The School of Life Studies
Date: Mon,10 Jun 2013
Submitter:Lisa Elsworth
Would you like to learn how to tap into their energy and communicate with your angels?
In this 2 part course you will learn that whenev......View
Muddling up the Angels! (74212) (Global)
By:Wendy Stokes
Date: Fri,25 Jan 2013
Submitter:Wendy Stokes
I was recently teaching at a meditation evening. One of the eight members of the group saw an angel and was asked what colour it was wearin......View
Gateway into the Fairy Places (20898) (Norfolk)
By:Ivan Cooke
Date: Tue,13 Nov 2012
Submitter:Paul Smith
''Thousands of years ago, the ancient peoples used to fertilize their crops literally by calling down heavenly grace, by use of angelic pow......View
The Fairy and Angelic Kingdoms (8681) (Norfolk)
By:White Eagle
Date: Tue,13 Nov 2012
Submitter:Paul Smith
''A wonderful world exists at the etheric level - what you would call a fairy world, an angelic kingdom - and all the spirits of the elemen......View
Your Guardian Angel (12740) (Norfolk)
By:White Eagle
Date: Tue,13 Nov 2012
Submitter:Paul Smith
''Angels do not fit in with the intellectual conception of the universe, even though Christians and others were once brought up to believe ......View
Message of Love from Angel Celeste (11708) (Global)
By:Tiffany Wardle
Date: Fri,19 Oct 2012
Submitter:Tiffany Wardle
From Angel Celeste:
The heart chakra is what us angels love and adore you humans to feel. Love is the highest frequency and therefore th......View
Connecting with Angels and Guides (9409) (Global)
By:Louisa Bertram
Date: Wed,10 Oct 2012
Submitter:Louisa Bertram
If we are to communicate with Spirit and/or our angels, we need to learn the “language” of Spirit – quite literally and in an altered state......View
Ascended Masters & Arch/Angels (13341) (Global)
By:Spiritual Nut
Date: Wed,12 Sep 2012
Submitter:Spiritual Nut
I’ve never been too interested in Ascended Masters.
After all, what’s the point in having a master in a non-physical realm, when it has ......View
My Life as an Angel Channeler (9591) (International)
By:Cynthia A. Silk
Date: Sun,02 Sep 2012
Submitter:Cynthia A. Silk
It is not easy to explain my life as an angel channeler. Suffice it to say that it has been an extraordinary one in every sense of the word......View
Angel Altars (13137) (Global)
By:Jacky Newcomb 'The Angel Lady'
Date: Mon,13 Aug 2012
Submitter:Jacky Newcomb 'The Angel Lady'
An angel altar is simply a display of your angels figurines usually mixed with a few crystals, fresh flowers and other bits and bobs. I hav......View
Angel Boards (12902) (Global)
By:Jacky Newcomb 'The Angel Lady'
Date: Mon,13 Aug 2012
Submitter:Jacky Newcomb
Angel Boards look a little like the controversial 'Ouija Boards' but that is really the only place where the similarity lies. Traditionall......View
Guardian Angels (21364) (International)
By:Natasha Chamberlin
Date: Thu,19 Jul 2012
From the moment we are born we have a faithful companion right by our side to help guide and watch over us for the whole of our lives. This......View
Archangels (13906) (International)
By:Natasha Chamberlin
Date: Thu,19 Jul 2012
God works in mysterious ways, even if we do not always understand his ways, trust that they are right and that everything will turn out oka......View
Angelscopes for June 2012 (12997) (Manchester)
By:Susan Angel
Date: Mon,04 Jun 2012
Submitter:Susan Angel
Angelscopes for June 2012
For you this month the energy is all about love and compassion, for yourself and for others. This is......View
Angels will save us? (14236) (Global)
By:Wendy Stokes
Date: Tue,15 May 2012
Submitter:Wendy Stokes
Wendy, I am told if there is a nuclear war that angels will save us from destruction. Do you think this is true? Jimmie.
Dear Jimmie, I ......View
An Angel by any other name (14494) (Global)
By:Tamasin McGregor
Date: Mon,09 Apr 2012
Submitter:Tamasin McGregore
Good Friday began early, my warring neighbours slam doors as part of their habitual welcome to the day (personally, I prefer a cup of tea).......View
Angels and Unconditional Love (12367) (Global)
By:Caroline Nettle
Date: Tue,13 Mar 2012
Submitter:Caroline Nettle
We talk about unconditional love as if it were an everyday occurrence, but the reality is that very few of us will ever experience it this ......View
Angels Are Not Just For Christmas (9925) (Global)
By:Caroline Nettle
Date: Fri,13 Jan 2012
Submitter:Caroline Nettle
Around the festive season, we see angels everywhere- on Christmas cards, wrapping paper, adverts for films and television programs, we sing......View
The Grace Of The Angels (9173) (Global)
By:A message from AA Gabriel channelled by Shanta Gabriel
Date: Thu,01 Dec 2011
The Gabriel Messages
#48 - Allow the grace of the Angels to work in every day functions.
Dear One,
The Angels are al......View
Walking with Earth Angels (10955) (Global)
Date: Fri,11 Nov 2011
Submitter:Andrea Elliott
I have read many articles on the theory that there are Angels here on earth. The idea is that Angels walk among us, and exist as regular hu......View
The Library Angel (19575) (Global)
By:Wendy Stokes
Date: Fri,21 Oct 2011
Submitter:Wendy Stokes
Have you heard of the Library Angel? The Library Angel finds the book you need to read. This phenomena was publicised by Sir Anthony Hopkin......View
Giving in to Spirit (10049) (Global)
By:Diane Yacobi
Date: Wed,24 Aug 2011
Submitter:diane yacobi
Have you ever felt that things just never go right? Whatever you do or plan just goes wrong, everything is an uphill ......View
Angels And Their Work (9620) (International)
Date: Sun,31 Jul 2011
Angels and their work
Today angels are very busy with work for the future of planet earth as there is much to be done for the people to ......View
A LIFE NOT LIVED (9806) (Global)
By:Diane Yacobi
Date: Wed,27 Jul 2011
Submitter:diane yacobi
What a sad statement that is. But what does it mean? To me it means a person who has lived their life with fear, fear of offending, fear ......View
An Angel for Amy Winehouse (9716) (Global)
By:Heather parsons
Date: Tue,26 Jul 2011
Submitter:Heather Parsons
I liked Amy. I liked her quirkiness, her individuality, her beehive and of course her amazing voice.
Like so many others I read of her ......View
Swedenborgian Workshop (12277) (International)
By:Wendy Stokes
Date: Tue,05 Jul 2011
Submitter:Wendy Stokes
Swedenborg wrote extensively about his visions of angels in the afterlife. He describes them as having lived life as a human being and henc......View
You can trust the Angels (12852) (Global)
By:Aurora Brierley
Date: Sat,04 Jun 2011
Submitter:The Faerie Whisperer
I know many of us go through life being let down by people constantly whether it be in personal relationships, our career, or by things jus......View
Angelic Clarity (12482) (Global)
By:Aurora Brierley
Date: Mon,23 May 2011
Submitter:Aurora Brierley
People often get a little confused over the difference between angels and spirit guides as did I a few years ago.
A couple of years ago I......View
Angels Around Us... (12667) (Global)
By:Michelle Jones
Date: Fri,20 May 2011
Submitter:Michelle Jones Pennymoon
Angel Blessings
by Michelle Jones
I describe myself as a sceptical believer. Although I have had psychic and paranormal experiences thr......View
THE POWER OF TAROT (11874) (Global)
By:Diane Yacobi
Date: Wed,04 May 2011
Submitter:Debbie Nagioff
Whenever I give a reading or pull a card for myself for guidance, I am filled with the power of that card. I study it fully. I note its c......View
The Way of the Angels (25710) (Global)
By:Wendy Stokes
Date: Sat,09 Apr 2011
Submitter:Wendy Stokes
Recently, I joined 25 other interested participants at a very enjoyable ‘angel day’ entitled ‘Walking the Angel Way’ at the Greenhill Churc......View
How Can The Angels Help Us? (12192) (Global)
By:Caroline Nettle
Date: Sun,27 Mar 2011
Angels are messengers from the celestial realms and they bring their messages of joy, peace, comfort, love and Divine guidance to us when w......View
Angels saved our lifes (8120) (Global)
Date: Sun,20 Mar 2011
I would like to share one of my stories about Angels which I truly belive and that everyone here on Earth have Guardian Angel send by God t......View
Angelic Happenings Diary (10423) (Global)
By:Tiffany Crosara
Date: Tue,25 Jan 2011
Submitter:Tiffany Crosara
Tiffany Crosara
Angelic Happenings Diary
Summer 2010
The hottest summer britain had seen in a good few years, in London people were ......View
I Believe in Angels (10539) (Global)
By:Aurora Brierley
Date: Mon,10 Jan 2011
Submitter:The Faerie Whisperer
Yes, I believe in angels and the afterlife and I believe that we each have a Guardian Angel that is sent by God to guard, guide and protect......View
Ascending Angels (16094) (Global)
By:Aurora Brierley
Date: Mon,10 Jan 2011
Submitter:The Faerie Whisperer
With the universal changes that we’ve been informed about nearing us daily as 2012 fast approaches, we realise that we have been advised by......View
TRAFFIC ANGELS (10595) (International)
By:Asbanaah Ardeshir
Date: Tue,04 Jan 2011
Submitter:Asbanaah Ardeshir
Dear Friends,
I would like to share a recent experience which i had with my Angels on our way to Udwada (a sacred place for the Parsis i......View
Goodbye from Grandma (9022) (Global)
By:Paula Wratten
Date: Sun,19 Dec 2010
As a young girl I was very close to my Grandma, she would always encourage me to understand my gifts and would tell me stories about angels......View
How Can The Angels Help Us? (9887) (Somerset)
By:Caroline Nettle
Date: Fri,10 Dec 2010
Submitter:Caroline Nettle
How can the angels help us?
Angels are messengers from the celestial realms and they bring their messages of joy, peace, comfort, love a......View
choosing to be born (11479) (Global)
By:Tamasin McGregor
Date: Thu,04 Nov 2010
Submitter:Tamasin McGregor
My teenager (semi-adult teenager at 17) has just got to the age where he is happy to tell me that he didn't ask to be born. Admittedly, th......View
A Gift From Archangel Michael (17237) (Global)
By:Anton Kornblum
Date: Sun,13 Jun 2010
Submitter:Anton Kornblum
From Debra’s very first phone call 10 years ago - even before I had met her, our friendship was punctuated by synchronicity.
In that fir......View
How To Hear Your Angels (8374) (Global)
By:Natalie Cantwell
Date: Wed,05 May 2010
The most common way people hear messages from their Angels is through their intuition, their feelings, but in order to receive guidance fro......View
Look To Your Angel (11612) (Global)
By:Elizabeth Francis
Date: Tue,23 Mar 2010
Submitter:Elizabeth Francis
As we all know, Angels are Beings of Light, which have been apart of the human psyche since time memorial. Angels have, over the millennium......View
Unicorn Magick (17733) (Global)
By:Aurora Brierley
Date: Sun,28 Feb 2010
Submitter:Aurora Brierley
Unicorns are etheric beings that are similar to angels that used to work with us at the time of Atlantis. They are depicted as a horse with......View
How to Read Angel Cards (11085) (Global)
By:Aurora Brierley
Date: Sat,16 Jan 2010
Submitter:Aurora Brierley
We are now more accepting of help and guidance from the angels by asking them for help when we need it, mostly for finding a parking space ......View
Where to find angels (8147) (International)
By:Charles Anthony McFaulds
Date: Thu,29 Oct 2009
Submitter:Charles Anthony McFaulds
You don't have to look far to find an angel
They're found everywhere you go
Throughout all of the four seasons
In the rain, sun, sleet a......View
What is Angelic Reiki? (7140) (Global)
By:Justine van de Weg
Date: Tue,06 Oct 2009
Submitter:Justine van de Weg
Angels are the Master Programmers of the main programme we know as the Universe. Through their guidance and the healing art of Reiki, we ca......View
Angel Wisdom - Making Space (5460) (Suffolk)
By:Angel Creations
Date: Fri,11 Sep 2009
Submitter:Angel Creations
This is one of many pieces of wisdom given to me by the angels in recent months to pass on to others:
Making space
Sometimes it is ne......View
Angels Inspiration. (9307) (Essex)
By:Shane Darbey
Date: Tue,07 Jul 2009
Submitter:shane darbey
The coming of the little angel.
i'd been taking or pictures for a couple of weeks previous to the night of going to pleasley church in M......View
Three biggies unite in the sky (6695) (Oxfordshire)
By:Sarah Biermann
Date: Sun,31 May 2009
Submitter:Catherine Howard
There is a fabulous aspect in the sky right now (it's exact today but will be active for weeks) Chiron, Neptune and Jupiter are conjunct in......View
Why Doesn’t He Call Me? (13509) (International)
By:Cherokee Billie
Date: Wed,22 Apr 2009
Submitter:Cherokee Billie
As a psychic this is the most frequently asked question I receive. The women calling me are in deep pain and cannot understand what went w......View
Obama's Angels (7294) (Global)
By:Heather Parsons
Date: Tue,21 Apr 2009
Submitter:Heather Parsons
President Obama was born an indigo child. Indigo children have the world in their hands. It is a state of mind but far more than that it ......View
The Big Guns of God (8724) (Global)
By:Cherokee Billie
Date: Wed,04 Mar 2009
Submitter:Cherokee Billie
Have you ever really thought about the power God (The Great Spirit) uses? He has the biggest arsenal in the universe that is at our disposa......View
Angels and Daimon (57798) (Global)
By:Allan Kardec
Date: Sat,18 Oct 2008
Submitter:Elsa Rossi
Extract from the Spirits’ Book, by Allan Kardec. The most important researcher about Spiritual Word.
128. Do the beings whom we call ang......View
Ask an Angel (17553) (Global)
Date: Wed,08 Oct 2008
Angels are celestial beings found in all cultures and religions. They can be called upon by absolutely anyone, whatever their faith. Angels......View
Angelic help via a dream (8069) (Cheshire)
Date: Thu,17 Apr 2008
Submitter:Jay Atkinson
I wanted to share my lovely story with you as it only just happened. Every day I get more proof that Angels are among us, and are only wait......View
Comfort (28354) (Essex)
By:Colin Abbott
Date: Sat,16 Feb 2008
Why sit alone in the dark and cry tears of sadness.
When you could sit in the Light and shed tears of Joy and Laughter in the company of A......View