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Life leaves it's footprint on us - we've all had experiences that have taken their toll, such as physical or emotional trauma, surgery, suppressed feelings, fear or stress. I know I have. The resulting negative emotions (or baggage) causes our energy flow to become restricted, which is like a dam blocking the free flow of a river. When our energy is restricted or blocked, our body can react by making us more likely to develop illness or disease, mental or emotional problems. We may find it hard to move forward with our life, health or well being.
Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) works by releasing the trapped emotions such as guilt, distrust, lack of confidence or low self esteem, feeling threatened or unsupported, shame, heartache, anger, resentment, f

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ear and stress. These feelings are gently replaced with the positive counterparts - innocence, trust, faith, support, love, forgiveness, empowerment and safety. Freeing up the flow of energy can make such a difference; it has to me!
I first came across IET when I was ill with depression, anxiety, lower back pain and IBS. By releasing the old negative emotions, stress and trauma I had carried in my back (as many people do), my health and life have improved. Things that used to bother me, I take in my stride. My life is very different now, I have made some life changing decisions due to my increased confidence.
What can IET do for you?
IET came 2nd in the 'Favourite Spiritual Workshops' category of the Soul & Spirit magazine awards 2009.
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