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What does Christmas mean to you? Does it mean time off work, getting good things to eat, receiving presents, parties and family re-unions. Of course all of these are happy experiences but let us pause for a moment and think about what we are really celebrating — what is it all about?
As a Spiritualist and with the best will in the world I cannot accept what our religious leaders tell us we must believe about Christmas.
I believe that the God who created us all, also created the way that his earthly family would continue to populate the world. Having made the rules for Birth, Life and Death I do not believe He would alter these and make exceptions. I believe that God chose Mary and Joseph to be the human parents of Jesus.
I believe that we are all sons and daughters of God. We are all equal in the eyes of God. I look on Jesus as the eldest son of the family who has moved higher up the ladder of soul perfection than the rest of us. He is there to help us as we also ascend the ladder of life.
I do not believe that He came into the world to be a human sacrifice for our sins. I do not believe for one moment that the God I love and worship had anything to do with this horrific act. The ancient world was obsessed with the idea of a vengeful deity who required constant sacrifices to appease his wrath.
I believe that Jesus was a highly evolved soul from the next world who had been through many earthly incarnations. He volunteered and was chosen by God, to be reborn into the world to teach the truth about God and how we should live our lives. He came to save us from ourselves and our mistaken beliefs. He came to teach us! Nobody else can save you but yourself. His teachings upset the religious authorities of the day who plotted His death and had Him crucified. What rubbish to believe that a blood sacrifice will gain God’s forgiveness and approval. The stories that have come down to us over 2000 years about Jesus have been changed and altered many times and the true meaning lost in translation from an ancient language and information borrowed from Greek Legends. Civilizations came and went and the story changed to suit the age. Much in the Bible cannot be taken literally.
Jesus was born into humble circumstances [his father was a carpenter] so that He would be “one of us.” Would His mission have been successful if He had been born into a wealthy family with many privileges and then told the common people of the day how they should be living their lives? The world Jesus was born into was a cruel, ignorant and primitive world. His country was ruled under the dictatorship of the Roman Empire. He came into the world to try and free people of their ignorance. He wanted to change people’s hearts and minds and teach them about God. He did not come into the world to establish a new religion! He came into the world as a messenger from God. He is not a God himself! See the gospel of John Chapter 12 Verses 45 and 49 where Jesus says He was SENT by God.
I think of Christmas as the time that Jesus entered our world as God’s Ambassador. It was the most important event in our religious history. He gave up His home in Heaven to come to us and tell us of God’s love for us and the purpose and meaning of our life. He is a role model for how we should all live our life. That is the true message of Christmas. So let us all enjoy our Christmas traditions while remembering its true message.
Christmas is often referred to as the season of Good Will. I think Jesus would approve of this and of how we celebrate His birthday!
I am offering a free copy of my book “Why I am a Spiritualist” to anyone interested. Please contact me by email
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