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As a Spiritualist I believe that life is given to us by God. It is a precious gift which we must use and cherish before we give it back to God when our earthly life is over. I was handed
this gift at birth and whatever I do with the gift I will have to answer for it when I return it to God at the end of my life. “I give Thee back the life I owe” as one of my favourite hymns puts it. God gave me my life and only God has the right to decide when that life should be ended be it long or short.
As I write this article the world is mourning the deaths of the five people in the Titan Submersible. What a waste of life and in particular for the 19 year old teenager whose whole life and career lay ahead of him. Why on earth did they all go on it when it had not passed all the safety checks? I have also just read that the material it was constructed with was bought by the owner at a discount because it was “passed its sell-by date!” Yet another example of profit being put before safety. I feel very angry when I read or hear of those who needlessly throw away their lives by indulging in dangerous activities, speeding in cars, abusing their bodies with drink, drugs, smoking and other such activities. Not only are they throwing God’s gift back in His face but they are denying the world the talents that God had endowed them with to be used for the benefit of mankind.
Then there is suicide! Suicide is defined as the act of intentionally causing one’s own death. Such people cannot cope with the problems life throws at them. They think that death will be the end of their problems but we cannot die! We are all immortal and when they arrive in the next world they will still see their problems and also the effect that their death has had on their loved ones. What is unforgivable is that sometimes they also take the lives of other members of their family along with their own. Life is a school of learning. We are put on the earth to learn lessons and such people have failed the test of life and will have to return to sit the exams again. The only sympathy I have for suicides is if they are suffering unbearable physical pain. I would like the Law changed to make Euthanasia allowable.
One of the saddest aspects of this whole business is when young people— many still only children — take their own lives. Older people who have lived a long life and faced the many crisis that life can bring will say “this too will pass away.” It means that nothing lasts forever and everything is temporary. They look back to other times in their lives when they faced stress, financial difficulties, breakdown in relationships. The younger generation do not have these experiences and they have no inner strength to cope. What has happened to make them reach this stage in their life? There must have been a lack of love, understanding and help and they will have left behind those who perhaps will blame themselves.
What advice and help if any can be offered to those who have reached the end of their tether. Well, they are not seeking help from the one person who can help them. He is called GOD and He loves them more than they will ever know. For a Bible reference see Philippians 4.6 -7 and the words of that well-known hymn “What a friend we have in Jesus with its chorus “Take it to the Lord in Prayer”. I have always taken my problems to God and he has never failed me. I have had some remarkable answers to prayers. He is as real to me as any person in the world and I could not live my life without the knowledge that He is by my side.
God thought everyone’s life was so important that one of His commandments was “Thou shalt not kill”. Today there is so much deliberate killing that it is hard to believe. How can parents deliberately kill their own children, some of them no more than toddlers? How can teenagers wield knifes and kill their fellow classmates? How can people kill on our streets complete and utter strangers? Everyday our TV screens give us the news of more killings. Life seems to be held ever more cheaply. So many of those murdered are young students or newly qualified professionals. It is incomprehensible and what gifts and talents are being denied to the world because of these acts.
I am so enraged at what is happening in the world that I would like to see the return of Capital Punishment. However I am a Spiritualist and the next world does not agree with this. It says that one murder does not justify another and that we must distinguish between punishment and revenge. By using it we are sending into the next world an undeveloped angry spirit filled with hatred who can do much harm by inciting others still on the earth to commit such acts. The spirit world thinks we should do all we can to reform these people before they arrive in the next world.
The law abiding citizens of our country rely on the government and its various departments to keep us safe but do they? Our police force has come under a lot of criticism, lately, our criminal system is handing out short soft sentences and even releasing evil doers half way through their sentence, the parole board release criminals early who then go on to commit further crimes within days of their release, our social services ignore warnings about abused children who are later murdered by their parents and where is the voice of the Christian Church, God’s representatives on earth in all this mess? The Bible tells us over and over “What ye sow so must ye surely reap.” Do they not believe the words of their own holy book? Oh no! Whatever sort of life you lead you will not answer for it because Jesus has already died for your sins! How much comfort is that to the bereaved who are looking for justice for a loved one who has been murdered? Spiritualism is the only religion which says we will answer to God for our sins. “Retribution for all evil deeds done on earth.” [6th Principle of Spiritualism.]
I believe in a God of mercy as well as of justice. In the next world justice will prevail and the books will be balanced. Wrongdoers will be made to acknowledge their sins and make restitution in a future life and innocent victims of crime will now be safe and happy. I hope these words will give comfort to those still grieving for family and friends so cruelly taken from them.
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