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We are all familiar with the New Year’s Honours System when our country recognizes the achievements and services of those people who have served their country well or devoted their life to worthy causes. As a child I remember wanting to be famous when I grew up and to have my name “go down in history books.” Well, I no longer have this particular ambition but I would like to do some good in the world, make my life count, and feel that when my time comes to leave that I have left the world a slightly better place because I was for a time part of it.
There are many people who have left the world a better place because of the life they have led. I am thinking of all the actors and actresses, singers, comedians, authors, artists, to name just a few who made our lives more enjoyable, brought beauty into our mundane existence, made us laugh and smile and whose clever inventions made our lives easier. Don’t you feel a pang when you hear of their death? I always send a prayer wishing them well in their new life and thanking them for the pleasure which they brought into my life. Then there are all the doctors and nurses and others in the medical profession who help us when we are sick, the workmen who come to our aid when we need a plumber, joiner, electrician, painter and decorator, our bus drivers and taxi drivers. The list is endless and in fact anyone who provides a service to his fellow man (or woman) is “making his life count.” What would we do without them and few of their names will go down in history books!
I used to go to a meditation circle in my church and I had some wonderful experiences when I entered the next world. In one of these I was taken into a big room with the walls covered with portraits — rather like an art gallery — and I was told that these were those who were remembered in “God’s Hall of Fame.” On earth they had won no medals or awards, no plaques of honour were put up to them but God knew all about their achievements. All their acts of kindness and service were entered into His book of life and, while honour eluded them in this world, they received their rewards in the next. As the Bible puts it “Well done, thou good and faithful servant. Enter into the joys of the Lord.” {Matt 25.21}
I know that many of us, especially as we get older look back over our lives and wish we had done more. We regret lost opportunities and feel sad that our life has not been more productive. Well we don’t all have gifts and talents that can benefit others in the world but it is important that we do the best we can in whatever circumstances God has seen fit to place us. Perhaps there is something in that place that only you can do for Him. I read somewhere that each of us is necessary in this world for only one special moment in time. I have always prayed that I would not let God down when my moment came. So — let us not neglect the small acts of kindness that we can render to others. “I’ll post the letter for you.” “I’ll give you a lift.” “I’ll change the light bulb for you.” Let us remember to send a holiday postcard to a “shut-in”, a Christmas Card to a lonely person, visit the former neighbour now in a nursing home, feed the birds and help others whenever we can.
The Bible tells us {Matt. Chpt 6} that when we do a good deed or act of charity that we must not draw attention to it. We must not let our left hand know what our right hand is doing. God who sees what is done in secret will reward us. This is like our 6th Principle of Spiritualism — Compensation for all good deeds done on earth.
So — come on everybody — let’s make our lives count! Let’s look forward to seeing our portrait in God’s Hall of Fame.
I am offering a free copy of my book “Why I am a Spiritualist” to anyone interested. Please contact me by email
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